372 We have been seeing a large uptick in shill accounts lately, and our user reports have been reflecting this. Please continue to do your part in reporting them when you find them. Things are heating up, folks! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by ChronicMetamorphosis [M] (context) 2 years ago by ChronicMetamorphosis +374 / -2 51 comments download share 51 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I honestly don't hate them, and I like their street fashion (studio fashion was ok too).
If auto-tune was around, their normal voices probably would've been fine.
Well, the thing they couldn't overcome was their voices' similarity to Yoko Ono. It was rough.
Yoko would've been ok if she switched genres.
"Further proof that EVERYTHING can be improved by Slayer. "
Comments are pretty good.