I spoke to QAnon himself and he told me it's all fake, buy my health supplements, trust me, they really work, ignore the giant fat rolls and the Time Warner logo on our business cards - Alex Jones
There's a video on Rumble, centered around the idea that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. It's actually surprisingly convincing with some very interesting "coincidences".
I don't know the original episode/show that the footage is from, but it's footage of one of the Infowars employees/reporters at some location and a cop/sheriff asks him for his ID.
He gives the cop the ID, the cop looks at it and says "Oh, you work for Time Warner?"
The employee is caught off guard and is like "Uh, no... I work for Infowars! Infowars dot com! It's a website."
The cop sounds less than convinced by that answer.
I think I posted a thread about Jones/Hicks just the other day so if you scroll through my recent posted threads it should be there.
I met QAnon himself! His name was Austin, and when he got out of jail he assured me that everything was A Okay
I played golf with him. -Alex Jones
I spoke to QAnon himself and he told me it's all fake, buy my health supplements, trust me, they really work, ignore the giant fat rolls and the Time Warner logo on our business cards - Alex Jones
There's a video on Rumble, centered around the idea that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. It's actually surprisingly convincing with some very interesting "coincidences".
I don't know the original episode/show that the footage is from, but it's footage of one of the Infowars employees/reporters at some location and a cop/sheriff asks him for his ID.
He gives the cop the ID, the cop looks at it and says "Oh, you work for Time Warner?"
The employee is caught off guard and is like "Uh, no... I work for Infowars! Infowars dot com! It's a website."
The cop sounds less than convinced by that answer.
I think I posted a thread about Jones/Hicks just the other day so if you scroll through my recent posted threads it should be there.
Say hi to Zack for us, Alex. Why is it that the corporate media never attacks Zack, Alex Jones' answer to Q?