I haven't read it through, but it should get you started.
A cursory glance, and my suspicions are correct :
The Vedas are four in number; of these the Rig-Veda is the oldest, next in order was the Yajur-Veda, then the Sama-Veda, and last of all the Atharva-Veda. Each of these Vedas consists of two main parts: a Sanhita, or collection of mantras or hymns; and a Brāhmana, containing ritualistic precept and illustration, which stands in somewhat the same relation to the Sanhita as the Talmud to the Law.
When you see four, think Iron Cross.
The Iron Cross and Swastika alike are symbols for the alchemical marriage -- a convergence of the four elements into a single entity, the Quintessence -- which is the Breath of God -- the Ether.
You're gonna need to cross-reference a lot of materials to arrive at that same conclusion.
That'll explain the alchemical marriage, in a strictly Four Elements point of view. Hermes is the progenitor of the ideal, after all.
The sum of it is this: many cultures discovered the same thing. Some define it as Sexual Magic, but in reality it is the Force of Generation. Remove the eroticism from it, and you'll find the Truth -- that all things must come into existence following the same formula.
Harness the formula, look past the symbols, and you can make anything you want -- given God's permission that is. One can plant a seed, but you can't make it grow. Only the Prime Mover can do that.
The Vedics and Khazars alike refuse that belief. They think they CAN make it grow. That is their failing, and why they are currently getting beaten with the Iron Rod. The Iron Rod is the Law, and the Law is Lord. Reread the Bible, and highlight in different colors the Names of God.
God, Lord, Word, Law, Spirit, Ghost, Jesus
See which narrative voice props up which aspect more highly, and you can see how many authors there really were. Keep in mind a few dance between several titles -- those are the most honest and learned.
God is Triune. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
The Father is the Law and the Lord -- the Written Book of Rules by which the Universe follows without error. You pick up a rock. You let go of the rock. The rock falls. The floor breaks. This is the Law. It is immutable, and unchanging. We praise the Law, that God saw fit to keep the outcome of our actions consistent enough to rely upon. David's Psalms worship the Law.
The Holy Spirit is the flow and heartbeat of the Universe. If we are known by flesh and mind, the Holy Spirit is our Actions. What we have wrought. To act is to tap into the Holy Spirit. A picture of a cloud may define what a cloud is, but not how it acts. Only by witnessing a real cloud in motion can one discern the nature of its action. The Holy Spirit is such, and cannot simply be defined. It must be experienced.
The Son is the Incarnation. It is the physical form of all things. Everything is designed, like the humble pocket watch. There was a mind which formed them, a purpose given and a shape taken to suit that purpose. Even formed, however, does not ensure it's movement. The Holy Spirit must enter into the watch, in the form of a careful and calibrated winding of the gears and tensioning of the mainspring in order for it to fulfil its purpose. When the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove, it filled him with Grace, like winding a watch. The remaining of his life was exhausting that Grace, until his death. When he resurrected, he proved that Man can harness the Authority of God and wind the gears himself.
They hate that Jesus can do that, but they can't. They think there is a trick to it, or that they can steal time from another in some way. They are fools. They steal time, but not the winding of the gears. A clock that steals time has no need for its own gears, so the movement rusts and seizes, never allowing God to wind the watch again. This is hell, well and truly.
From the 3 come the 7. Understand that in its utility, and why Jesus' number is often denoted as 7.
Stack the pyramid. 3, and 7. See the pairs. 11, and 15 follow. Did you add 4 each time?
What is 4 then? 4 is the Foundation. Resonate on 4, and you have the Duality, the Yin and Yang. Between them is the Fifth Element, the Quintessence, which in truth is only a Third, as Black in White and White in Black are the same, and so the 4 is really 3.
I'm rambling now. I'm not an adept, so forgive the cords popping out from under the dash. Getting too technical takes the wonder out of it, and one can get lost in the weeds, so I'll end it here.
In the end, the Vedic KNOW what is going on in the Universe, and obscure it less than the Khazars to suit their own ends. But the Vedics believe in the same -- that they can harness the Breath of God for their own purposes. That is the very definition of Profane, and they will get their just deserts a second time around, should any Vedic adherents still be kicking around after Hitler unwittingly sold them out.
Here's a primer on Vedism.
I haven't read it through, but it should get you started.
A cursory glance, and my suspicions are correct :
When you see four, think Iron Cross.
The Iron Cross and Swastika alike are symbols for the alchemical marriage -- a convergence of the four elements into a single entity, the Quintessence -- which is the Breath of God -- the Ether.
You're gonna need to cross-reference a lot of materials to arrive at that same conclusion.
That'll explain the alchemical marriage, in a strictly Four Elements point of view. Hermes is the progenitor of the ideal, after all.
The sum of it is this: many cultures discovered the same thing. Some define it as Sexual Magic, but in reality it is the Force of Generation. Remove the eroticism from it, and you'll find the Truth -- that all things must come into existence following the same formula.
Harness the formula, look past the symbols, and you can make anything you want -- given God's permission that is. One can plant a seed, but you can't make it grow. Only the Prime Mover can do that.
The Vedics and Khazars alike refuse that belief. They think they CAN make it grow. That is their failing, and why they are currently getting beaten with the Iron Rod. The Iron Rod is the Law, and the Law is Lord. Reread the Bible, and highlight in different colors the Names of God.
God, Lord, Word, Law, Spirit, Ghost, Jesus
See which narrative voice props up which aspect more highly, and you can see how many authors there really were. Keep in mind a few dance between several titles -- those are the most honest and learned.
God is Triune. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
The Father is the Law and the Lord -- the Written Book of Rules by which the Universe follows without error. You pick up a rock. You let go of the rock. The rock falls. The floor breaks. This is the Law. It is immutable, and unchanging. We praise the Law, that God saw fit to keep the outcome of our actions consistent enough to rely upon. David's Psalms worship the Law.
The Holy Spirit is the flow and heartbeat of the Universe. If we are known by flesh and mind, the Holy Spirit is our Actions. What we have wrought. To act is to tap into the Holy Spirit. A picture of a cloud may define what a cloud is, but not how it acts. Only by witnessing a real cloud in motion can one discern the nature of its action. The Holy Spirit is such, and cannot simply be defined. It must be experienced.
The Son is the Incarnation. It is the physical form of all things. Everything is designed, like the humble pocket watch. There was a mind which formed them, a purpose given and a shape taken to suit that purpose. Even formed, however, does not ensure it's movement. The Holy Spirit must enter into the watch, in the form of a careful and calibrated winding of the gears and tensioning of the mainspring in order for it to fulfil its purpose. When the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove, it filled him with Grace, like winding a watch. The remaining of his life was exhausting that Grace, until his death. When he resurrected, he proved that Man can harness the Authority of God and wind the gears himself.
They hate that Jesus can do that, but they can't. They think there is a trick to it, or that they can steal time from another in some way. They are fools. They steal time, but not the winding of the gears. A clock that steals time has no need for its own gears, so the movement rusts and seizes, never allowing God to wind the watch again. This is hell, well and truly.
From the 3 come the 7. Understand that in its utility, and why Jesus' number is often denoted as 7.
Stack the pyramid. 3, and 7. See the pairs. 11, and 15 follow. Did you add 4 each time?
What is 4 then? 4 is the Foundation. Resonate on 4, and you have the Duality, the Yin and Yang. Between them is the Fifth Element, the Quintessence, which in truth is only a Third, as Black in White and White in Black are the same, and so the 4 is really 3.
I'm rambling now. I'm not an adept, so forgive the cords popping out from under the dash. Getting too technical takes the wonder out of it, and one can get lost in the weeds, so I'll end it here.
In the end, the Vedic KNOW what is going on in the Universe, and obscure it less than the Khazars to suit their own ends. But the Vedics believe in the same -- that they can harness the Breath of God for their own purposes. That is the very definition of Profane, and they will get their just deserts a second time around, should any Vedic adherents still be kicking around after Hitler unwittingly sold them out.