Southern people are known for their kindness and hospitality. We Southerners are descendants of the aristocratic Huguenots of France, and the noble cavilers of England while you Yankees came down from the crop-eared puritan witch burners that came across on the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth rock.
As far as Tailor Trash image, you hang out with southern people who for whatever reason live in house tailors, and you will find most are the salt of the earth.
I have lived in the South all my life. Sure there are some low lifes, but no less than the any other par of country.
You gotta relax, chief. I wrote "it's probably nonsense" for a reason. Implying it's just a stereotype from years of being up north and hearing again, "nonsense". Take it easy lol
Wow you speak with a stunning level of ignorance.
Southern people are known for their kindness and hospitality. We Southerners are descendants of the aristocratic Huguenots of France, and the noble cavilers of England while you Yankees came down from the crop-eared puritan witch burners that came across on the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth rock.
As far as Tailor Trash image, you hang out with southern people who for whatever reason live in house tailors, and you will find most are the salt of the earth.
I have lived in the South all my life. Sure there are some low lifes, but no less than the any other par of country.
You gotta relax, chief. I wrote "it's probably nonsense" for a reason. Implying it's just a stereotype from years of being up north and hearing again, "nonsense". Take it easy lol
Got ya fren. Thanks