Great article about the TRUTH of the virus, but LONG! Pass it on. Interesting that it is on the NIH website.
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It is great. It covers everything, all the manipulation, the throttling of discussion and treatments, the financial incentives. We know all this, but a doctor of note is saying it on a respected sit3.
This was too good not to archive. Here's the link.
Good though this medic is ..he still believes viruses are contagious...he was trained by the Rockefeller center medical industrial complex and this is what they are taught
It's going to take time to reducate these medics
It's not at all far fetched that may well have been responsible for your heart attack too.
Speaking as someone who was given Vioxx when it was already known people were dying from heart attacks and other medical prescriptions that could have killed me and were later withdrawn I stand b w hat I said.
Make us all look like tools? Do you know when the first recorded heart attack occured? During Eisenhowes term as you know the advent of heart attacks and seed oils appearing? Why not look it up!!
The second cause of USA deaths was prescribed medications..did you know that? Obviously not ...
There has never ever been a vaccine that contained an isolated virus...Dr Robert young naturapath California..he has CDC own admission ..not aids not ebola not smallpox NADA.
It's a scam..
An apology might be nice do you think?
.. 2016 4th leading cause of death prescription drugs..14 15 17 18 third leading cause of death..having problems finding latest..I know I read it was second....
If you read up newspapers of the time and letters written by doctors absolutely horrified at Jenner..draining pus from cow sores and jabbing people with it. And injecting them with it...
The only people who got ill were the vaxxed and only when the government stopped mandating in Leicester did the illnesses stop. In other towns near by people were not getting illas they were not vaxxed.
Jenner had friends in parliament..he won a cash prize...and then his friends in parliament got it mandated. It's all documented..yes this was the start of the scam.
Read about Spanish called because Spain reported people were dropping was kept very quiet for a hundred years..but.. Rockefeller had an experimental vaccine ..a horse serum and the military let him inject the soldiers going to died in the doctors office...their relatives told they died in combat.
Only the jabbed died. The started to jab everybody ..a third of the world died.
A lot of tests were done to determine if this so called flu was contagious..mucus etc from dying patients given to horses and men one got ill no matter what they tried... autopsies showed deaths were from bacterial pneumonia...not flu.
You should read up on Louis Pasteur who confessed he was wrong ..his germ theory was is the terrain that counts as Bechamp had proven
Jonas Salk didn't cure was cured b y good sanitation water and sewage treatment. Incidents of "polio" happened after spraying with DDT ..and Indian government is suing bill gates for causing polio and paralyzing girls and killing them too.
There is a book inventing the aids's a free pdf online.. foreword by kary Mullis who ridiculed his Nobel winning PCR test being used to determine anything...and suddenly died..
People died of AIDS after contracting what they said was hiv because they were using nitrate? poppers... some drug to get high while having decimated their immune system s ...they only died because of the cure AZT I think..once it was withdrawn people stopped dying.
I could go on....but I think I have made my point.
A few mummies says nothing..some died of cancer too.
The deception of virology..The Bernician website..will tell you just how this deception happens..yes they think they have isolated it and no why they haven't be comes very apparent as you watch the procedure
This evidence is part of an ongoing case against government..murder by government decree..midazolam happened in USA too... Thousands of care home patients killed..a quite horrible death too.
And I think an apology is called for
People should read inventing the aids virus Peter Duesburg... Still on sale and a free pdf online.
You pass no comment on CDC admission they have never isolated a virus for hiv aids etc or any other so called virus what is in the vaxxs? A witches brew of harm..causing the body to have to detox producing symptoms they call COVID so morev abs..rinse and repeat.
The deception of virology The Bernician obviously are selective where you look even when sites are pointed out to you. Bitchute channel why you can't catch a virus video. The terrain Film...This is a documentary
It's the Terrain..Ray Andrews MD Prestige wellness institute HTTPS://www.prestigewellnessinstitute
Germ theory v terrain theory youtube
TERRAIN:THE FILM - THe end of germ theory? HTTPS:// A 2 part documentary.
TERRAIN: The film by Marcellina Cravat and Andrew Kauffman MDhttps://terrainthefilm
The last terrain fil ms I got was by speaking into my phone ..maybe you didn't really want to find any evidence? shame on you!!! Lose the ego
I never mentioned chicken or eggs.. wrong person...did you just copy and paste?
And what you said doesn't change a thing I said...
Doesn't mean they are true...
I stand with you 100%. In all the history of Virology, no virus has ever been isolated and purified.
The very word 'virus' is Latin and means -- 'slime'; 'poison'. The reason 'Germ Theorists' chose this Latin word is because that's exactly what they observed. It is the same reason a virologist will admit a 'virus' is neither alive or dead. Everyone would agree that 'slime' and 'poison' can't possibly be alive or dead. This is why 'viruses' cannot possibly be alive. It's because it is simply 'slime' and 'poison' being viewed. The greatest of lies is Virology. The 'virus' is portrayed as being neither alive or dead, so it takes on a sci-fi portrayal of being 'un-dead' just like in the movies with zombies, Frankenstein, and vampires. The medical cabal uses this quite effectively to frighten the population with something that is suppose to be lurking under every bed.
Since the virus is not isolated and purified, virologists have to invent a full genome in a computer. This is called a – 'In Silico' genome.'In Silico' actually means a computer simulation or in virtual reality. In other words, it is fabricated; fictional; or simply imaginary.
Virologists took a sputum sample from a sick individual in Wuhan hospital with atypical pneumonia and built an In Silico COVID-19 virus genome in the lab computer using a 'BLAST N' tool and mixing this with previous In Silico imaginary computer generated genetic sequences of SARS (Wuhan-Hu-1 virus) and the bat Corona Virus RaTG-13. Then they invoked the computer to rearrange the sputum chemically deluded elixir sample of the Wuhan pneumonia infected individual until it matched the new SARS-2 sequence their computer made-up.
Dr. Tome Cowan explained well how unscientific the current process is for finding a pathogenic virus as the scientists responsible cannot really demonstrate it following the proper way of isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of a so-called infectious agent. This is where Virology completely abandons the scientific method and fabricates a fiction that is entirely based on mythicism. Dr. Cowan articulated that the proper way of “maceration, filtering, and ultra-centrifugation” has never been done not only in SARS-CoV2 but with any so-called pathogenic viruses.
You are absolutely right. People have been bamboozled.
Bacteria is Nature's way of biodegrading 'poisons' (ergo, 'viruses'). To understand this is the 'key' to the kingdom. It is always the method that determines the outcome. To consider the complete environmental effects rather than limit oneself to a reductionist approach is crucial in understanding health.
The narrative really determines how one understands things. Is Koch's Postulate being followed when, for example, a 'virus' has never been isolated in all the history of Virology. No. This fact alone should make us question other 'settled' science like -- Does Germs (not worms or parasites) or bacteria cause disease?
Science is a continuum; a process of current understanding and is never really 'settled'. So, is it a 'guilt' by association scenario or are they merely associated with the real causes? The Correlation/Causation Fallacy is where two events occurring together are taken to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. This however is not the scientific method. Could the presence of the bacteria be for degrading the toxins that are present as a result of 'something' from the environment? Could the bacteria be Nature's cleanup crew for what is already diseased or dead?
We know in Nature bacteria is used to biodegrade what is dead or diseased in the environment. Why would we be any different from anything else in Nature? A poisoned dead pond will produce algae growth. The algae is not good for you and may produce its own toxins, but it exists in Nature to biodegrade the toxins in the pond. It is the poisoned pond that was the cause of the dead pond, not the algae biodegrading the toxins in the pond. We see this understanding at work in municipal waste systems.
The entire problem with Bacteriology and Virology is they fail to follow the scientific method. More precisely, they fail to follow Koch's postulates. What has occurred is their science is a one based on an 'assumption', but not fact.
Beautifully put.thank you
NorthofFrosty is silent though..........
I'm doing a "This can't be the real NIH website?" thing.
It reads like a compilation of everything I've read here over two years.