Go to the bidenlaptop emails site and search " and he woke and saw the sky was blue"
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Hwat the f?
example: https://bidenlaptopemails.com/biden-emails/email.php?id=20150525-183714_81114
Sounds like it's stories he wanted to be discovered, written in a parable. Bisons, think Wyoming, or just the western countryside in general. Campfires, think communion. Knife scalping, think of tribalism. White "ghost", think of casper. Yes it's cult shit, but there may be some good data here. Maybe Joe was thinking hunter world flip at a later age, so he blackmailed him into the system since he knew what his father had done. I don't think this is mere storytelling, it's too cryptic and descriptive at the same time. May even be some subtle comms. Red Cloud being perceived as a traitor may be a persona he's embracing
there's a rally in casper Saturday night, and a lot of Q clues surrounding Mt. Rushmore and the natives; they believe the black hills are an axis mundi AND there's gold there,so maybe the whitehats are protecting the area, both physical and spiritual realm.and something about the Ghost Dance, local officals viewed it as a threat.
Interesting, very good!
This kind of comment is what should be upvoted. Not the faux outrage I see above.
None of it could be true, but i dont think he would make a mistake leaving a laptop intentionally, if that is wholly true. And that would incline one to look very carefully about what it is in it