I thought for sure they would shut it down for good, because the backlash from the public is so severe. Even the centrists are speaking out about how wrong this is.
Guess I shouldn’t be surprised they are doubling and tripling down on stupid. Here I was thinking they might have a semblance of self awareness. I actually thought they couldn’t get anymore stupid and they have proven me wrong.
I will never underestimate their incompetence again 😂
Like the antithesis of that caricature of a beast they put in that position initially? She was so insane I thought it was perhaps a troll to rile up the right.
Whoever they place there doesn't much matter as the msm will just tell it's dwindling viewership of mindless lemmings what to think and they'll obey like usual. It will be interesting to see what kind of venom comes out of the new bully pulpit as they ramp it up. He'll spew out anti-1A venom and the DS congress beasts will jump to enact more freedom-crushing laws.
Actually, an old granny doing this would be entertaining, but I think the current pick will be more interesting if and when the Senate hauls his arse up to answer questions. Expect belligerence and opposite-speak. They've got about five months to try and claw back control so I expect they'll be charging full-bore in any way they can. They've got figurative arrows coming at them from too many directions and they know midterms are going to be brutal. IMHO.