If you're looking to buy a shit ton of it, you need to shop the price with dealers for the best value and when you can take delivery of it. You are most likely not going to be able to just pick up a massive amount from your local shop or the dealers. Bring a truck because a wheelbarrow will not hold much weigh vs quantity in PM. Large orders may take months to fill, you may look at the 1000oz silver bars, cheaper and may be more available, depending on your shit ton size of purchase.
I have both, word is silver is undervalued by a lot. So, you get more quantity for you FRN with silver and if the price goes up your good, just like stock. However, if through all this the FED or markets crash gold and silver will hold value all around the world for trade or if a new banking comes online, you can easily trade for that currency. Now either of them like anything will be what you can trade for them, both have been used as mediums of trade for 1000's of years, not fiat. Silver is easier to carry in 1oz pieces to make smaller purchases vs having a microscopic piece of gold in your pocket. Look back to the Great Depression, I bet those folks wished they had silver and gold. Some folks who had PM, bought massive amounts of real-estate with merely ounces of silver. Look to Venezuela to see what 14,000,000 of their dollars buys, one rack/bundle of bananas. They were a rich prosperous country not long ago, knew someone that lived down their back in those times.
For a shit ton,I recommend a private vaulting service. If you know how to trade options I also recommend leap calls on first majestic they ones I buy are .25 and were around 1.20 a month ago.....
ONLY buy physical metal.
If you're looking to buy a shit ton of it, you need to shop the price with dealers for the best value and when you can take delivery of it. You are most likely not going to be able to just pick up a massive amount from your local shop or the dealers. Bring a truck because a wheelbarrow will not hold much weigh vs quantity in PM. Large orders may take months to fill, you may look at the 1000oz silver bars, cheaper and may be more available, depending on your shit ton size of purchase.
I have both, word is silver is undervalued by a lot. So, you get more quantity for you FRN with silver and if the price goes up your good, just like stock. However, if through all this the FED or markets crash gold and silver will hold value all around the world for trade or if a new banking comes online, you can easily trade for that currency. Now either of them like anything will be what you can trade for them, both have been used as mediums of trade for 1000's of years, not fiat. Silver is easier to carry in 1oz pieces to make smaller purchases vs having a microscopic piece of gold in your pocket. Look back to the Great Depression, I bet those folks wished they had silver and gold. Some folks who had PM, bought massive amounts of real-estate with merely ounces of silver. Look to Venezuela to see what 14,000,000 of their dollars buys, one rack/bundle of bananas. They were a rich prosperous country not long ago, knew someone that lived down their back in those times.
Gold is just below its all time high,silver less than half.
For a shit ton,I recommend a private vaulting service. If you know how to trade options I also recommend leap calls on first majestic they ones I buy are .25 and were around 1.20 a month ago.....
Buy gold then. I'm sure they can't afford to by more than 1 pocket full of it.
Kek, looks are deceiving. " I'll get the jeans with the biggest pockets; wait I can't see the $100,000 piece of gold I put in there."