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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
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In today's thread I want to take a moment and welcome all the newQs (lets make this a new word?) amongst us. For too long, seeing a comment or a post from the "handshakes" usually meant a shill or a troll coming to stir trouble. Lately I have noticed that a lot of these new users are posting insightful content.
I can only dare to dream that this is an indication of the Great Awakening hitting masses and some of them finding their way here.
If you are a newQ, feel free to introduce yourself in this thread!
American pedes, I used to be jealous of the United States to some extent, specifically, the US constitution. I've always thought (and held the belief) that God raised the United States to be his champion, his Archangel Michael in the world, to spearhead his work to set His people free (from the Devil and his cabal).
Over the past 2.5 years (Lord, is it that long now), since C19 introduced a period of unparalleled difficulty, suffering and tribulation on the Australian people, I've come to learn about and value much more highly the foundation on which Australia was built.
Like the US, we have our sins and our skeletons. For the US, slavery was the key external one. For us, its that the Cabal took over this land by ignoring, destroying and attacking the indigenous peoples who lived here. At some point, that needs to be resolved, although I don't think it will be via a civil war like the US had to undergo.
Did you know that when the founding fathers of Australia designed our constitution, they consulted and adopted elements from the US constitution, the Swiss constitution and others? I only learned this (again) recently.
The thing is, the Aus constitution was fully and completely designed to put the Australian people in the driver's seat, perhaps even to a greater extent than the US constitution put the US people in the driver's seat. It appears that the Aus constitution was designed on the basis that Australians would actively, and aggressively, play the key role in our own self-governance.
Alas, we didn't understand this. We never had that War of Independence, and so, we've never really valued what we had, and the amazing inheritance we received (magna Carta, 1688, Aus constitution). Over the years, we let a cabal of political animals gradually encroach on our liberties, changing laws and overthrowing our constitution to the point where today, Australians do not even recognize our inheritance, and where, for decades, we have been gradually sold out.
But on the back of the Great Awakening, the Australian Freedom movement was born out of the crucible of the ridiculous levels of oppression we endured 2020/2021. The epicenter of this was Victoria, which, curiously enough, is really the birthplace of freedom and liberty in Australia. The Eureka Rebellion took place in Victoria.
Did you know that the first ever 'secret ballot' - where votes are cast in secret, so that no one knew who voted what - took place in Australia, in Victoria, in the mid 1800's? That 'secret ballot' approach has become a key part of liberty and self-governance all around the world. What the??? Right???
We just had a federal election. The cabal of course, was ushered in again. We knew this probably wouldn't change. but what HAS changed is that there is now a grassroots-based freedom movement all across this great land. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are awake to the reality of the world, our country - from the duopoly of the Unaparty (Left = Right), to the pedophile backbone of corruption.
We have only just begun. Our fight is ahead of us. We have begun now our War of Independence from the Cabal. Perhaps partly thanks to the sacrifices of the people of the United States, our War of independence is the Information War we are now in globally, and not a hot war of independence.
Australia has a virtually unlimited, amazing inheritance and potential. Without a doubt, under the right conditions, we could even give the United States a run for its money. However, I prefer to envision the day when the Older brother, the USA, and the younger brother, Australia, work together for the liberty and freedom of all humanity, by following that true path of true self-governance.
In my usual wordy way, all I really wanted to say was that the Australian Freedom movement is very, very young. We have just been born, so to speak. We don't have that amazing history of fighting for freedom that the USA does. But we are here, and we're not going anywhere. They'll have to drag our bloody beaten bodies off this great continent before we will EVER give in to their tyranny.
Pray for us, Pedes. For surely, where we go one, we go all.
God bless Australia. God Bless America. God bless the Great Awakening.
The thing I have noticed, living in US a while ago and having been living in Australia for a while - Liberty is in the DNA of Americans, due to the bloody prices they had to pay multiple times, the way I have never seen it in most Aussie.
We might have the most powerful constitution, but it wont matter if most people choose to ignore it.
I will end this thought by saying, American Constitution and their love for freedom and second amendment - these were the only things that delayed the plans of the Cabal by at least a hundred years, and we at least stand a chance.
However, something tells me that the time for Aussie to shine in this fight for freedom and liberties is coming soon.
Full agreement
This is what Australians need to wake up to.
Here too friend, when the government does something that’s unconstitutional nobody blinks an eye