What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related
In today's thread I want to take a moment and welcome all the newQs (lets make this a new word?) amongst us. For too long, seeing a comment or a post from the "handshakes" usually meant a shill or a troll coming to stir trouble. Lately I have noticed that a lot of these new users are posting insightful content.
I can only dare to dream that this is an indication of the Great Awakening hitting masses and some of them finding their way here.
If you are a newQ, feel free to introduce yourself in this thread!
Full agreement
This is what Australians need to wake up to.
Here too friend, when the government does something that’s unconstitutional nobody blinks an eye
Whats wierd is that people in my circle, my extended family, work colleages etc - they are all completely asleep. Yet random people I meet - someone working at a cafe, gardener, masseuse, hair cut etc - they all seem to be fully awake. I just cant reconcile this absurd observation.
The people who interact with many different people daily have lots of conversations, overhear conversations. They aren’t immersed in group think around them like those in the corporate world.
Also they are less afraid of being called "stupid" for believing something that might sound outrageous.
May have to do with the industry you’re in? Theory: corporate workers are less awake bc they are usually not risk takers? Also I think if ones business was directly impacted by the Covid policies they tend to be more awake.
Also, more educated, more indoctrinated. I am in tech, but same applies to general corporate jobs. Bigger the company, more brainwashed.
Ambitious Imbeciles
Since college is nothing more than work without pay, it's for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. Their childish student situation makes them look up to their professors as infallible father figures. After a student graduates, he continues along that line and has the same unthinking reverence for his bosses, the media, and undeserving leaders in all fields.