There has to be some link. Thyroid issues should be rare. Big pharma has a customer for life it seems.
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No. I like salty food and use a lot of Himalayan salt say ..on chips! But when I realise it's getting too much I take nat mur one of the 12 tissue salts homeopathic tablets weleda make or new era. I know craving salt means I am lacking in nat mur. I don't eat much in ready meals..I make my own.
I don't know if you are aware of tissue salts...a biochemist discovered a body is made up of 12 tissue salts and a lack of one salt will produce different illnesses.
The UK royal family use a homeopathic doctor..they have to do an additional five years study for a degree in homeopathic medicine....the queen carries a case of remedies when she leaves the palace. Certainly the family are long lived.
You can research will certainly help you to use them.
I buy spring fluoride.. especially bad to cook with fluoridated water.
Thank you. i used to be involved with an anti fluoride group and they tested supermarkets spring water. Aldi UK was fine. Some of them have fluoride in!!
I have used Natrum mur for cold hives...very effective. Also I take Bio-Plasma (combo of 12 cell salts) tablets daily. It is really one of the few homeopathics you can use for prevention. Swanson had the 1000 CT. bottle for $10 or $11. Stocked up for me and my kids.