245 What in the hell is this shit? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by KimJung-Un 2 years ago by KimJung-Un +246 / -1 71 comments download share 71 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I made it easy: just follow the links for a better understanding. You will have to translate though. https://nerdswire.de/faktencheck-das-weltwirtschaftsforum-hat-keine-polizei/ https://www.gr.ch/DE/institutionen/verwaltung/djsg/kapo/aktuelles/medien/2009/Seiten/SavogninKantonspolizeiGraub%C3%BCndenstelltihreSpezialeinheitenvor.aspx at upper left corner you can see the actual official top badge from the pic circulating. The lower orange badge is causing a lot of misunderstanding. In fact is says: -WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM - -POLICE- -2022-
"This serves the team spirit around the annual meeting," said the spokesman, adding: "The WEF organization has no police."
So its a badge for "team spirit". Yea whatever man Im not buying that shit you and that article are selling.