What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
Lots of things happening. Shills are attacking left and right, so we must be over the target. School shooting, and right on cue, attack against 2A. Take a moment to let it all go and unwind.
This whole thing has sandyhook written all over it and has the feds finger prints on it as well.
i think we have studied their modus operandi long enough, to know exactly what to look for, so now we can look at a new shooting, and tell if its fake instantly.
no jokes aside, my litmus test for fake news, is if its on CNN.
if its on CNN, its fake.
which has some interesting implications, considering they cover things like the USA, POTUS, SCOTUS, UN, WEF, WHO, CDC, FDA, FBI, CIA, DoD, DoJ, NFL, NBA, MLB,
I'm seriously almost convinced that all of these things are fake as fuck.
the Supreme Court is hearing the Boston Marathon Bombing case?
when we all KNOW that case is FAKE AS FUCK, and the suspects were crisis actors.
the Supreme Court "leaks" a draft about RvW, right when a major distraction is needed.
in the meantime, the Justices could change their mind, or die, or whatever, and change the outcome of the case.
there is already a new Supreme Court justice ready to go, (sworn in?) so let say between now and Breyer retirement, a conservative Justice "dies"...
then what? this new justice takes their place, and Breyer stays on the bench too.