Seriously. Mexican gang-killings have to be the most brutal display of inhumanity, ever. It would make the bolsheviks blush. Ruthless. And they basically control the entire southern border. Evil incarnate. Step one of fixing the US must be to shut that shit down. Permanently.
I work with Mexicans all day, every day, and they ALL say the same thing: the Cartels control ALL of Mexico. These guys are all from different parts of the country, and all have similar, if not identical stories about the Cartels and the way things really are down there.
Hearing what the cyotes make children do to one another was one of the worst things I've read in my life. Forcing a child to cut off another's hand to mail back to their family for not paying the extortion fees? Fucked up
Seriously. Mexican gang-killings have to be the most brutal display of inhumanity, ever. It would make the bolsheviks blush. Ruthless. And they basically control the entire southern border. Evil incarnate. Step one of fixing the US must be to shut that shit down. Permanently.
I work with Mexicans all day, every day, and they ALL say the same thing: the Cartels control ALL of Mexico. These guys are all from different parts of the country, and all have similar, if not identical stories about the Cartels and the way things really are down there.
Hearing what the cyotes make children do to one another was one of the worst things I've read in my life. Forcing a child to cut off another's hand to mail back to their family for not paying the extortion fees? Fucked up