My source is I'm canadian and I have been 4 days with out power and shitty internet on my go find your own article as my current internet cuts out quite a bit
It’s most definitely true... it was a very odd weather incident that covered a large part of the province. For the first time an emergency broadcast went out - very short in duration but freak winds And some rain. I am a 5 hour drive from Ottawa just for distance scale, and it was intense but Ottawa, our nations capital sustained the most damage.
Gonna need more sauce, dry toast
My source is I'm canadian and I have been 4 days with out power and shitty internet on my go find your own article as my current internet cuts out quite a bit
It’s most definitely true... it was a very odd weather incident that covered a large part of the province. For the first time an emergency broadcast went out - very short in duration but freak winds And some rain. I am a 5 hour drive from Ottawa just for distance scale, and it was intense but Ottawa, our nations capital sustained the most damage.
"if true" **top notch source for the win... can we get a instant IP verify window?? is that even [possible...asking for a friend
Have you tried apologizing for something?