There will be a transformation soon about the Bible...this book is a history book of what happened to the tribe of Jacob who chose yahweh one of the 240 odd aliens that landed on mount Hebron 5000 years ago.
These people though technically vastly superior and capable of much more than we can do now we're not evolved. they had sex with men women children and animals. They left commandments how to burn women and babies and animals so the smoke they said soothed them would be done right. They warred over territory killing each other.
A dualistic world is what the freemasons want.thats the meaning of the checkerboard flooring in churches etc. The world is not either or as the freemasons want you to believe...they create a problem..offer a solution...but there is more than the one is never only one choice.
People are in different states of understanding and maturity..most like children still...this is why we look back and reflect how our understanding has grown and choices and attitudes we previously had have changed. It is not that we were evil but our choices were based on what we understood at the time's not a question of she is evil she is good.
Not very good at explaining this...hope you got my drift
That's not what the Bible says and that's not the God that I serve.
And also conflicts with the science of textual transmission.
Of course the devil is very happy with what you believe. His lies are prevalent and always go against the word of God to keep people deceived and away from salvation in Christ.
These are stories told to frighten the sheep into behaving.
Muslims believe there is a rope the thickness of a human hair across a pit of fire..if you were naughty the hair snaps and you fall in and burn forever in a body you left behind when you died.
Secondly it's not what the bible says or what the elites believe either. Q has NEVER contradicted scripture. You just have though, Good luck with that.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he didn't exist"
It says it right in what you posted. !! Does the thought of satan exist. !!
Yes I knew you would come back with that..if you want to believe in a devil with a pitchfork taking people to help..go ahead...have faith don listen to others. Trust's what con merchants always say. ..NHS..don't listen to others.trustvus..the jab is good for you..don't listen chemotherapy is wonderful.
Without critical thinking you are just a brainwashed sheep.
In the Bible it is claimed Jesus was the only begotten son of alien..if that were true Jesus would be a hybrid...after his death it is said there was a light in the sky and in the morning the boulder was rolled away. well Jesus couldn't have done it from inside..he wasn't seen for three the cave was all healing herbs and potions used on him. After the third day he was seen but not recognised and he was taken up and two other hybrids Noah and Enoch? Taken a space shuttle.ccthevone in ezekiel nasa copied and patented.
The elohim said they would've back do if he was achy rid he could perhaps be still alive..they lived for thousands we are learning to do
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles who can tell you what was the correct translation but sticks to that.
He says a transcendental omnipotent all knowing spiritual God is not mentioned...the cold Hebrew didn't have either the word for god or eternity..olam is the word means an indefinite period of time. Where god is in the Bible its the elohim..240"of them...the bible says quite a few of their names as do other holy books.the Mahabharata the Ethiopian Coptic Bible ..the Torah dead sea Scrolls etc
There will be a transformation soon about the Bible...this book is a history book of what happened to the tribe of Jacob who chose yahweh one of the 240 odd aliens that landed on mount Hebron 5000 years ago.
These people though technically vastly superior and capable of much more than we can do now we're not evolved. they had sex with men women children and animals. They left commandments how to burn women and babies and animals so the smoke they said soothed them would be done right. They warred over territory killing each other.
A dualistic world is what the freemasons want.thats the meaning of the checkerboard flooring in churches etc. The world is not either or as the freemasons want you to believe...they create a problem..offer a solution...but there is more than the one is never only one choice.
People are in different states of understanding and maturity..most like children still...this is why we look back and reflect how our understanding has grown and choices and attitudes we previously had have changed. It is not that we were evil but our choices were based on what we understood at the time's not a question of she is evil she is good.
Not very good at explaining this...hope you got my drift
That's not what the Bible says and that's not the God that I serve.
And also conflicts with the science of textual transmission.
Of course the devil is very happy with what you believe. His lies are prevalent and always go against the word of God to keep people deceived and away from salvation in Christ.
Q. Does satan exist?
Does the thought of satan exist?
These are stories told to frighten the sheep into behaving.
Muslims believe there is a rope the thickness of a human hair across a pit of fire..if you were naughty the hair snaps and you fall in and burn forever in a body you left behind when you died.
There is no devil..
First off that's not what the Q post says.
Secondly it's not what the bible says or what the elites believe either. Q has NEVER contradicted scripture. You just have though, Good luck with that.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he didn't exist"
It says it right in what you posted. !! Does the thought of satan exist. !!
Yes I knew you would come back with that..if you want to believe in a devil with a pitchfork taking people to help..go ahead...have faith don listen to others. Trust's what con merchants always say. ..NHS..don't listen to others.trustvus..the jab is good for you..don't listen chemotherapy is wonderful.
Without critical thinking you are just a brainwashed sheep.
First time I have read anything like this. If you donβt mind me asking, what do you make of Jesus of Nazareth? Do you believe he rose from the dead?
In the Bible it is claimed Jesus was the only begotten son of alien..if that were true Jesus would be a hybrid...after his death it is said there was a light in the sky and in the morning the boulder was rolled away. well Jesus couldn't have done it from inside..he wasn't seen for three the cave was all healing herbs and potions used on him. After the third day he was seen but not recognised and he was taken up and two other hybrids Noah and Enoch? Taken a space shuttle.ccthevone in ezekiel nasa copied and patented.
The elohim said they would've back do if he was achy rid he could perhaps be still alive..they lived for thousands we are learning to do
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles who can tell you what was the correct translation but sticks to that.
He says a transcendental omnipotent all knowing spiritual God is not mentioned...the cold Hebrew didn't have either the word for god or eternity..olam is the word means an indefinite period of time. Where god is in the Bible its the elohim..240"of them...the bible says quite a few of their names as do other holy books.the Mahabharata the Ethiopian Coptic Bible ..the Torah dead sea Scrolls etc