This article is about one of the kids smearing herself with her friends blood to play dead. Didn’t this also happen in Parkland or the other kinda recent high school shooting where that dipstick David Hogg just happen to be? Seems I’ve heard this exact story before.
Nothing I read in that timeline makes any sense. It definitely does not sound like a kid escaping from cops scared and shooting a bunch of kids. It seems to be slow and methodical.
This article is about one of the kids smearing herself with her friends blood to play dead. Didn’t this also happen in Parkland or the other kinda recent high school shooting where that dipstick David Hogg just happen to be? Seems I’ve heard this exact story before.
Nothing I read in that timeline makes any sense. It definitely does not sound like a kid escaping from cops scared and shooting a bunch of kids. It seems to be slow and methodical.