Trump and Putin already addressed this issue in 2018 Helsinski. Putin said He had no involvement in the Dossier and other Trump/Russia hoaxs items. Trump absolved Putin of any wrong doing and sided with Russia over U.S intelligence agencies. The Cabal lost their marbles after this meeting. Putin does not owe the U.S or Trump anymore explanations.
how immature to think that if Putin said it wasn't true that the deepstate would have just said "ok" and walked away from it.... you're still asleep to what the swamp is willing to do to get what they want...
Why, because Putin clamps down hard on the puppets sent in by Soros, so they wont have a color revolution like so many other countries?
How about because Putin could have cleared up any Dossier questions, but he chose to let the Cabal pummel Trump with it?
Russia is not our friend.
They are the enemy of our enemies, but once our enemies are defeated, Russia will always be looking out for Russia.
Trump and Putin already addressed this issue in 2018 Helsinski. Putin said He had no involvement in the Dossier and other Trump/Russia hoaxs items. Trump absolved Putin of any wrong doing and sided with Russia over U.S intelligence agencies. The Cabal lost their marbles after this meeting. Putin does not owe the U.S or Trump anymore explanations.
Remember soccer ball
how immature to think that if Putin said it wasn't true that the deepstate would have just said "ok" and walked away from it.... you're still asleep to what the swamp is willing to do to get what they want...
If Putin had said it wasn’t true, the media would have said “See! It proves Trump is working with Russia!”
Dude you think Putin would be the one to "clear" Trump when media portrayed him at the second coming of Hitler? How would that even work?
Putin makes a statement and media will say -sorry our bad?
He arrests those feeding Steele fake dozier info.