Who the F is “we”??? You morons seem to think there are actually sides to this. It’s called the Hegelian Dialectic... on which we are divided and conquered.
There are many agendas, look at Musk.
Anyways, I apologize for losing it but this Russia Ukraine is, yes, Kabuki Theatre. What bugs me is that we the people are the ones who suffer. Ukrainian people suffer.
The Banksters and their puppets all go home to their mansions. We the Sheeple in Murica become powerless as we divide ourselves along propagandized ‘sides’.
You don’t think Jesuits run Russia??? Anyways, just watching the movie too fren. Personally, I try to stay active in my local community.
How would you know??? LOL
Who the F is “we”??? You morons seem to think there are actually sides to this. It’s called the Hegelian Dialectic... on which we are divided and conquered.
There are many agendas, look at Musk.
Anyways, I apologize for losing it but this Russia Ukraine is, yes, Kabuki Theatre. What bugs me is that we the people are the ones who suffer. Ukrainian people suffer.
The Banksters and their puppets all go home to their mansions. We the Sheeple in Murica become powerless as we divide ourselves along propagandized ‘sides’.
You don’t think Jesuits run Russia??? Anyways, just watching the movie too fren. Personally, I try to stay active in my local community.