Interesting. I had to look up Carl Reiner. But how do these has-beens, or children of genuinely famous people, make a living now, and why are they in our faces spouting globalist bullshit? Something fishy here. I can think of more, such as Robert DeNiro and "Wind Beneath My Wings."
Rob Reiner - same
Yeah, how are these people "famous"? They are has-beens from decades ago. What are they even living on?
Adrenocrhome, duh
Rob Reiner is famous because of his father, Carl Reiner
Interesting. I had to look up Carl Reiner. But how do these has-beens, or children of genuinely famous people, make a living now, and why are they in our faces spouting globalist bullshit? Something fishy here. I can think of more, such as Robert DeNiro and "Wind Beneath My Wings."