That depends on a number of things, like the frequencies they can broadcast on, and the transmit power. Wind doesn't matter. Clouds don't matter either, unless they are thunderstorms and/or heavily rain laden.
EchoStar, (Dish, Directv) is in a Geosynchronous orbit. That is much further away and much older tech. The Starlink satellites are in lower earth orbit.
High demand. Everything wealthy-ish person I know has multiple or are waiting for multiples. For their RVs, mountain retreats (lol defeats the purpose imo) etc.
Starlink will be awesome! Except for when it rains, or is cloudy, or is windy… but outside that itll be awesome!
That depends on a number of things, like the frequencies they can broadcast on, and the transmit power. Wind doesn't matter. Clouds don't matter either, unless they are thunderstorms and/or heavily rain laden.
I’m just basing it off of direct TV lol
EchoStar, (Dish, Directv) is in a Geosynchronous orbit. That is much further away and much older tech. The Starlink satellites are in lower earth orbit.
Correct. I tried signing-up for a Starlink system but it’s over a year waiting for the install kit. WHY?
High demand. Everything wealthy-ish person I know has multiple or are waiting for multiples. For their RVs, mountain retreats (lol defeats the purpose imo) etc.
It's pretty good in a storm. It's not DirecTV. Lol