Victoria Announces the End of Affordable Home Heating, Because Climate Change
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How cold does it really get in Oz tho??
Oz stretches around thousands of miles north to south, east to west. We have significant variance in climates. A lot of area in tropical zones, stretching down to temperate and cold (particularly in the east). In the high country, extensive snowing.
Tassie gets pretty seriously cold, I think.
So, in most highly populated areas, not as cold as massachusetts, I guess, but still, pretty cold. Also, Australia is over-urbanized. Far too many population live in urban areas where they cannot access other resources to heat their homes easily.
No disrespect, I'm sure it gets pretty cold at night way inland or in Tasmania
Yup it does get cold in Tassie sitting here and it's down 3 degrees right now 12.23am.
Waratah gets very cold that is more inland
Here in Vic it can get down to 0 deg C overnight...also, our houses are built like bus shelters-not great insulation when it comes to cold. But we also get highs of over 40 deg C in summer so, a fair bit of variation. Can be 4 seasons in one day sometimes.