Deaths & Guns vs Rapes & Dicks
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Even if they realise that - there is no come back. No one is going to give them guns back if they start asking for it. They will hear: "Some fringe minority asking for gun rights". They won't get it. There needs to be real Great Awakening and complete govt replacement before serious conversation even becomes possible.
Its only getting worse, claiming talent health assessments etc need to occur due to 'covid'.
They should just vote back in their gun rights at the ballot box. Hahaha, sorry, I couldn't help myself from laughing, but seriously, they should vote back their rights...hahaha, sorry, I can't stop laughing at the idea that they or we can vote back anything anymore with these globalists controlling our elections.
You make a great point and by the time the idiots who beg for them to be taken away realize their mistake, we would all be doomed.