I had never seen "2001, a Space Odysey". In "Tron" i didn't think they broke into anything, just somehow mysteriously wound up inside a computer game. The year after "Wargames", "Real Genius" had some pretty cool period tech stuff and hacking scenes in it. I first saw those movies when they first came out, and that was state of the art tech at the time.
2001 A Space Odysee would like to have a word.
Although, it’s the A.I. that takes over, Dave had to go into the mainframe and shut down HAL manually. “Technically” hacking HAL.
Edit: yes, Dave doesn’t use a keyboard to hack HAL so maybe it doesn’t count. But the 1982 movie Tron beats Wargames by a year.😉
I had never seen "2001, a Space Odysey". In "Tron" i didn't think they broke into anything, just somehow mysteriously wound up inside a computer game. The year after "Wargames", "Real Genius" had some pretty cool period tech stuff and hacking scenes in it. I first saw those movies when they first came out, and that was state of the art tech at the time.