How many "dead fish" does it take for this story to be questioned by the general public?
The kid who announced in chat that he shot his grandmother and was going to shoot the school
School had approved AI that is supposed to Identify possible shooters
He was in a discord channel with 6 ppl (all working for the FBI) before the shooting.
His socially media was immediately scrubbed and never mentioned by the media.
He was shooting nextdoor for 12 minutes which put the school in lockdown.
After which a teacher at the last minute decides to prop open a door.
Of all the doors the school has he picks that one door to enter.
18 yr old in a poor household has over $50k of weapons, equipment and a new truck.
Had guns you can't get unless you are military/police.
Guns he can't get that quickly after his 18th birthday or locally.
Guns perfectly brand new and matching the Las Vegas Shooter's guns.
Police stood outside for an hour.
The school sends out the notice that there's an active shooter but they have it under control and everyone is safe. That was reported by Fox news which soon after deletes the report.
Deceased daughter has two different dads report on camera separately on different networks with the same last name. Neither announced as Step-Father.
Border Patrol Agents and First Responders Who Saved Lives of Children in Uvalde School Shooting Were UNINVITED From Biden Event.
Fishy, yet?
I'm sure I missed some. Feel free to add to the pile. Maybe the smell will go high enough for a politician to be forced to talk about it... But I highly doubt it...
Texas doesn't have a waiting period. There's no firearm that the shooter had that are exclusive to LEO/military. The guns don't perfectly match the LV Shooter. How would you know if the Discord members were FBI?
You have several questionable statements and absolutely zero sources provided. Your comment doesn't pass the sniff test. This needs to be addressed before anyone stupidly parrots blatantly false statements.
Yeah I'm not saying the above list is all lies but sources are needed. I'm tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt just because it fits my view of things.
Like to add that the police chief in charge, who gave the stand down orders, is a donor to ShareBlue and Beto O'Rourke, and Beto was ready to go with a political stunt at one of the early pressers. 🔄
If this is true, the difference is I think columbine was an actual shooting.. The scheduling of that one might have been happenstance. NRA isn't necessarily on the side of gun owners like they projrct to be.
Yeah, from everything I've seen about Columbine, it does appear to have been a genuine shooting. Obviously despite all the fake shootings there would eventually be real ones, just very rare.
There was a Corp Jet from Fort Hood that landed in Uvalde and left after about 90 minutes (the same time as the shooting) and went directly back to FORT HOOD.
A hit team perhaps? i don't buy the crossdressing psycho as the shooter - he was framed. What are the occupations of the parent of the victims? Border Patrol?
How many "dead fish" does it take for this story to be questioned by the general public?
The kid who announced in chat that he shot his grandmother and was going to shoot the school
School had approved AI that is supposed to Identify possible shooters
He was in a discord channel with 6 ppl (all working for the FBI) before the shooting.
His socially media was immediately scrubbed and never mentioned by the media.
He was shooting nextdoor for 12 minutes which put the school in lockdown.
After which a teacher at the last minute decides to prop open a door.
Of all the doors the school has he picks that one door to enter.
18 yr old in a poor household has over $50k of weapons, equipment and a new truck.
Had guns you can't get unless you are military/police.
Guns he can't get that quickly after his 18th birthday or locally.
Guns perfectly brand new and matching the Las Vegas Shooter's guns.
Police stood outside for an hour.
The school sends out the notice that there's an active shooter but they have it under control and everyone is safe. That was reported by Fox news which soon after deletes the report.
Deceased daughter has two different dads report on camera separately on different networks with the same last name. Neither announced as Step-Father.
Border Patrol Agents and First Responders Who Saved Lives of Children in Uvalde School Shooting Were UNINVITED From Biden Event.
Fishy, yet?
I'm sure I missed some. Feel free to add to the pile. Maybe the smell will go high enough for a politician to be forced to talk about it... But I highly doubt it...
I'd love to hear some sources for these claims.
Texas doesn't have a waiting period. There's no firearm that the shooter had that are exclusive to LEO/military. The guns don't perfectly match the LV Shooter. How would you know if the Discord members were FBI?
You have several questionable statements and absolutely zero sources provided. Your comment doesn't pass the sniff test. This needs to be addressed before anyone stupidly parrots blatantly false statements.
Yeah I'm not saying the above list is all lies but sources are needed. I'm tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt just because it fits my view of things.
Like to add that the police chief in charge, who gave the stand down orders, is a donor to ShareBlue and Beto O'Rourke, and Beto was ready to go with a political stunt at one of the early pressers. 🔄
If this is true, the difference is I think columbine was an actual shooting.. The scheduling of that one might have been happenstance. NRA isn't necessarily on the side of gun owners like they projrct to be.
Yeah, from everything I've seen about Columbine, it does appear to have been a genuine shooting. Obviously despite all the fake shootings there would eventually be real ones, just very rare.
Very very fishy, indeed. It's almost like they planned it that way.
blow the lid on all of them
You know, the NRA could neatly solve this in the future by holding their convention when school is out.
There was a Corp Jet from Fort Hood that landed in Uvalde and left after about 90 minutes (the same time as the shooting) and went directly back to FORT HOOD. A hit team perhaps? i don't buy the crossdressing psycho as the shooter - he was framed. What are the occupations of the parent of the victims? Border Patrol?