Sounds like you and I are in the same boat, it isn't getting oared or motoring toward a safe shore, it is just sitting and drifting with the waves or tide. Just more bad news after more bad news.
I would welcome the day that I’m proven wrong and mocked relentlessly for doubting. But as someone stated in another post, being in a constant state of hopium and positivity no matter what is cult-like behavior. My faith and hope is in God, not any white hat magical unicorn.
I agree with you, but I often think God would want us to help ourselves, and it seems we aren't (I say that and know that waking people to what is going on is helping probably God and us, but it just doesn't feel like enough--maybe it is plenty--we will see).
The news will NEVER show us anything that hurts their narrative. Not sure why anyone is expecting any news outlets to give us "wins". We are walking through the darkness so we can see the light of our own choices to build up communities. Instead of being hypnotized by the global world stage we have to make conscious change in our area of impact.
between the choice of knowing we're all going to the gulag and having hope, I choose hope....its not like we can form armies....we are powerless....we put our trust in the "white hats" and have been convinced that they are in control......
Sounds like you and I are in the same boat, it isn't getting oared or motoring toward a safe shore, it is just sitting and drifting with the waves or tide. Just more bad news after more bad news.
I would welcome the day that I’m proven wrong and mocked relentlessly for doubting. But as someone stated in another post, being in a constant state of hopium and positivity no matter what is cult-like behavior. My faith and hope is in God, not any white hat magical unicorn.
I agree with you, but I often think God would want us to help ourselves, and it seems we aren't (I say that and know that waking people to what is going on is helping probably God and us, but it just doesn't feel like enough--maybe it is plenty--we will see).
The news will NEVER show us anything that hurts their narrative. Not sure why anyone is expecting any news outlets to give us "wins". We are walking through the darkness so we can see the light of our own choices to build up communities. Instead of being hypnotized by the global world stage we have to make conscious change in our area of impact.
between the choice of knowing we're all going to the gulag and having hope, I choose hope....its not like we can form armies....we are powerless....we put our trust in the "white hats" and have been convinced that they are in control......
what else are we going to do.
We’re only powerless if we put our trust, hope and faith in false gods. That path leads to a self-made gulag.
Live your life in peace and get right with God.