Also with the preceding and following word each ending in -y, it's an easy error for the brain to make to make
Same with the accidentally dropped R in Country, also a typo
Consider that "He loves this Country" makes far more sense than "He loves this County" [WHAT "county"? Q had never discussed any particular county.]
And, the word County would not have thrown up an error signal as a misspelling. That would have been important in Q's not catching the typo.
"Typos are important" is a powerful general rule that nevertheless does not equate to "We guarantee a complete absence of any chance whatsoever of human error among hundreds of thousands of keystrokes."
Has anyone ever gone over what Q means by
That stuck out to me.
u/Zeitreise any thoughts?
I take it literal.
Seems like a typo to me
Terminal Y sounds like "E"
Also with the preceding and following word each ending in -y, it's an easy error for the brain to make to make
Same with the accidentally dropped R in Country, also a typo
Consider that "He loves this Country" makes far more sense than "He loves this County" [WHAT "county"? Q had never discussed any particular county.]
And, the word County would not have thrown up an error signal as a misspelling. That would have been important in Q's not catching the typo.
"Typos are important" is a powerful general rule that nevertheless does not equate to "We guarantee a complete absence of any chance whatsoever of human error among hundreds of thousands of keystrokes."
Damn cQV, u sound like my crypto linguist son
Thanks bud, that's awesome
I couldn't actually do the crypto part, hats off to those who can!
What comes after Q? R, why drop the R?
Can someone please do an ELI5 of this? I want to understand how finding Sussman not guilty means that the FBI is on the hook.
Thank you, friend 👍
Updoot for finding the formula to simplify and explain.
What? The doomers haven't gone after this post yet? Jeez, doomers, you are falling behind on the job.
That's what I think too. The patsy wasnt accepted, the jury wants the principles. Yeah!
Yes, Q2816 from two days after the legendary TRIPLE zero-delta on 2/17/19
Love it! Hopium on a stick.
There it is. Doesn't need much clarification.
Duhram lets the small guys get away to piss off the people and wake people up like with Epstein. The real power players are still at risk here
Transparency and prosecution.
I can at least say that Sussman brought the first part, but will it end with the prosecution. And of who.
Just another ineffective shill. Try as they might, they just can't seem to lower morale. And we haven't even gotten kinetic yet.