Homosexuality has no purpose other than perversion. Anything that doesn't promote growth of a society has no purpose in that society. Gays don't reproduce therefore evolution should thin the herd. Or AIDS will. Or monkeypox from all the asshole fucking.
The white haired lady meant they have to do something about OTHER older people, not herself. Upvoted for your long complex answer to "...asshole fucking".
I see what you did there.
Homosexuality has no purpose other than perversion. Anything that doesn't promote growth of a society has no purpose in that society. Gays don't reproduce therefore evolution should thin the herd. Or AIDS will. Or monkeypox from all the asshole fucking.
The white haired lady meant they have to do something about OTHER older people, not herself. Upvoted for your long complex answer to "...asshole fucking".
It's probably shingles, not monkey pox. Can't have people learning that they have no more immune system.
gay pride: 2 deadly sins