I believe in the context of the Constitution, it means well equipped, capable, competent, meaning that they can't ban anything that would be contrary to well regulated. And since the people own their weapons unlike the military, the Constitution is specifically speaking to the people as well regulated meaning we need to be armed with ammo and what ever else we need to be "well regulated". Well I hope we are that.
well regulated in the second amendment takes care of that.
We've held the line. We've been rigged for red for nearly 2 years now. Does this not MAKE US that well-regulated militia, ready on a moment's notice?
I believe in the context of the Constitution, it means well equipped, capable, competent, meaning that they can't ban anything that would be contrary to well regulated. And since the people own their weapons unlike the military, the Constitution is specifically speaking to the people as well regulated meaning we need to be armed with ammo and what ever else we need to be "well regulated". Well I hope we are that.