posted ago by 50StateLandslide ago by 50StateLandslide +60 / -0

After reading the post about watching or filming the ballot dropboxes, I reached out to Dan Schultz over at precinctstrategy via email, and he responded:

"Check your state election code statutes.

Our drop boxes in AZ are supposed to have video surveillance. They are in public view. Thus, any citizen can take video, too. As long as the person using the box is not in any way obstructed from depositing a ballot or ballots.

I recommend you check the statutes and then ask your county Republican committee officers and contact the ORParty legal counsel and your county elections department.

Also, check out VotifyNow.org. It's a new election integrity app.

Thanks, Dan"

I was then contacted by someone at VotifyNow who said that you can use their app to share any of those videos or photos of fraud with other users

TL;DR: Get a camera and a friend, you can most likely film and watch the ballot boxes without issue.