Just thinking tonight, why wasn't I one of the ones who fell for the BS shot? My whole family are Christians, but every single one of them fell for it.
Why did God give me discernment and not them? Is there some sort of purpose behind this?
Wondering if anyone has some sort of commentary towards this, because I definitely do not feel worthy or special in any way. In fact, they are way better people than I am.
Who knows. This war is fascinating and all I can do is trust in God. Because I sure as hell do not trust anything else anymore.
Good question. My father won't believe anything I tell him about what's happening and even told me that he and his doctor laughed behind my back about me saying there is no virus. And after all the warnings I gave him about the jab he still got both shots.
I even explained the jab this way: You build a tolerance to drugs over time which is bad because when you stop taking it you notice your body starts detoxing. You should also notice something was preventing your body from detoxing until you stopped taking the drug. This was the "tolerance". This is exactly how the jab works.
He says it's making you tolerant to convaids and it's a good thing.
He is completely brainwashed into thinking doctors are magical beings that know things that no normal person could possibly understand but he won't admit it.
So what can I do? The only thing left to do was remind him that suicide is a sin and get ready to watch him die.
But the bottom line, and the good news, is God is the judge, not me. And if my dad has a good reason not to believe me that I can't see, God will see it.