Just thinking tonight, why wasn't I one of the ones who fell for the BS shot? My whole family are Christians, but every single one of them fell for it.
Why did God give me discernment and not them? Is there some sort of purpose behind this?
Wondering if anyone has some sort of commentary towards this, because I definitely do not feel worthy or special in any way. In fact, they are way better people than I am.
Who knows. This war is fascinating and all I can do is trust in God. Because I sure as hell do not trust anything else anymore.
I have a 28 year old son just like you. Whatever you need to tell yourself. The fact is no one appointed you to be their savior and your obviously have big big boundary issues. You absolutely are the Devils Advocate, and if you don't like that moniker, I suggest you research personal boundaries and then when you're all perfect, come tell us, because until then, YOU are just some man talking shit. Words if thousands of years have more weight. Pride leadeth before the fall.
Exactly, YOU don't have to defend it or question other people's faith. It's none of your business. What you are doing makes you think you are helping, it is not. Faith is personal and a journey. I don't believe everything and I'm positive everything is laced with lies. However, my faith was deep first and then discernment came. It didn't come from a Devils Advocate, it came from God. He really doesn't need you questioning the faith of others or why they believe the way they do. He's way bigger than needing that. He needs YOU to dig harder inside yourself. There won't be as much time for you to muddy the spirituality of others as I'm sure you have your own issues to work out.
Yup, Devils Advocates have an argument for everything. Always sowing seeds of doubt and confusion. I see you. Maybe you don't see yourself? Have a good day.