As is our right as free Americans to do stupid shit... at the end of the say we only have ourselves to blame for all of this. Sure, some are more responsible than others, but what did we do when people were trying to warn us? Wrote em off as crazy? And what was our response to these situations? Tighten the grip of control. The reason the Christian Right lost control of the culture is because they tried to control people. At no point, when He walked the Earth did Jesus try to control anyone. They sought Him out of their own choice and that's what we need to remember. While it might suck for poor saps like this, and yes while we do need to wrangle in the social bombardment, at the end of the day we need to respect nd honor the sacred right to choose regardless of if we agree with it or not.
We also need radical changes in our society to facilitate a more pro life and pro family environment and yes that means taking into consideration ideas that our European brothers and sisters have adopted. They have almost no poor people and their standard of living is pretty great overall. Not saying we need to implement full European socialism, however some of the ideas are worth talking about and adapting for our country.
As is our right as free Americans to do stupid shit... at the end of the say we only have ourselves to blame for all of this. Sure, some are more responsible than others, but what did we do when people were trying to warn us? Wrote em off as crazy? And what was our response to these situations? Tighten the grip of control. The reason the Christian Right lost control of the culture is because they tried to control people. At no point, when He walked the Earth did Jesus try to control anyone. They sought Him out of their own choice and that's what we need to remember. While it might suck for poor saps like this, and yes while we do need to wrangle in the social bombardment, at the end of the day we need to respect nd honor the sacred right to choose regardless of if we agree with it or not.
We also need radical changes in our society to facilitate a more pro life and pro family environment and yes that means taking into consideration ideas that our European brothers and sisters have adopted. They have almost no poor people and their standard of living is pretty great overall. Not saying we need to implement full European socialism, however some of the ideas are worth talking about and adapting for our country.