I saw somewhere that a certain mouthwash helps to prevent replication of the virus in the mouth. I think it was ACT. Does anyone know?
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Strains were the go-to fake news meme for a long time. Yet when was the last time anyone heard of some tedious 'deadly new super infectious variant' macguffin being pushed in the media?
This perpetual-new-strain marketing strategy was retired rather hastily as data on vaccine deaths started to be widespread and undeniable. Cue the 'sudden adult death syndrome' which is the new smokescreen.
Provable that all they did with the so called strains was to pluck a short sequence (about 3k base pairs) from the original Insilco computer generated 30k sequence that was uploaded to the chinese database in Jan 2020.
And that's it. Oh they gave it a name, a list that was released as this all started.