I saw somewhere that a certain mouthwash helps to prevent replication of the virus in the mouth. I think it was ACT. Does anyone know?
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I'm a nurse and my husband just had it. Go to Dr. Zelenko's website for protocol. Go to Urgent Care if needed but don't let anyone admit her to a hospital. Ask around for monoclonal antibodies for severe cases. There used to be many clinics but not as much now. Also, hydrogen peroxide mouthwash is good Colgate has it now. I also used Flonase spray 2 X day. The idea is to prevent any replication. The strain Omicron is upper respiratory not like the 1st strain. My husband had a bad flu and it lasted 4 days then just an annoying cough for 2 weeks. Cold meds day and night help with symptoms and sleep.
Is the Omicron strain still a thing? I am just recovering from covid myself and still have the annoying cough. Was hoping it was the omicron variant but wasn't sure it was still around.
Strains were the go-to fake news meme for a long time. Yet when was the last time anyone heard of some tedious 'deadly new super infectious variant' macguffin being pushed in the media?
This perpetual-new-strain marketing strategy was retired rather hastily as data on vaccine deaths started to be widespread and undeniable. Cue the 'sudden adult death syndrome' which is the new smokescreen.
Provable that all they did with the so called strains was to pluck a short sequence (about 3k base pairs) from the original Insilco computer generated 30k sequence that was uploaded to the chinese database in Jan 2020.
And that's it. Oh they gave it a name, a list that was released as this all started.
Does anybody really know “what” they had?
Good point. Whatever this is/was it didn't act like any flu I've ever had. Fever up and down over several days, head congestion, coughing and difficulty breathing...constipation then nothing but the shits....loss of appetite (but not sense of smell or taste) lethargy, every day seems like a new issue. Still not 100% and it's been over 2 weeks. I never would have gotten tested but I had no choice as I was traveling out of the country and china joe requires a negative covid test for legal citizens to get home.
For the "annoying cough" try 5mg cetirizine hydrochloride at bedtime for up to 3 days. It's an antihistamine. Worked for me.
I believe so. Who knows these days with all the varients. However, the covid going around is definitely upper respiratory just like omicrom.
My pleasure. Is she feeling any better?
Yes, just a little today. Not as many aching parts. Thank you for asking.