I was just reading an article on Epoch Times (See AnnaMAGA's post below) about the incoming population implosion. Pretty much all first world countries are in a serious population decline and the entire world is on the precipice of and trending towards non-replacement birth rates.
Almost all of this is due to left-wing indoctrination on many levels. Guilting women into careers over family, addiction to birth control, promoting gay life styles, gender dysphoria, abortion, addiction to materialistic things (money over family), etc.
They have their hooks into the majority of conservatives as well. Think of your conservative friends, family, and colleagues. How many of them have 3 or more children? Not many, right?
Conservatives dismiss most of the lies of the left, but they only need to fall for one to ruin their prospects of a large family. Which for us, usually comes down to making money and materialistic goods a priority over family.
We could decimate leftwing ideology in a generation, as they stop breeding and if we could convince conservatives to target 4 children.
I believe there is nothing more important right now for conservatives than these 2 things. 1 - Have at least 4 children. 2 - Be VERY active in their lives, set examples, and instill your values (if you don't, the left will).
I think people would quickly realize that there is no joy greater on this earth than having a large loving family.
Genesis 1:28. God always had a plan, we just need to listen.
I agree with everything you said, but think there is 1 more variable we don't correctly acknowledge.
We have greatly increased our lifestyle expectations. My grandfather was a plumber. My grandmother was a stay at home mom. Didn't even have a driver's license! They had 8 children and owned their own home.
Sure times were different back then. But so were lifestyle expectations. Vacations were road trips to visit family. Lots of hand-me-down clothes. One dependable but used car. All meals cooked at home from bulk ingredients. A large garden to provide their vegetables. No frills like cable TV or multiple phone lines. Air conditioning was only used on the hottest days of summer.
Not saying people should or should have to live like that. But they were happy. And I do think part of the problem today, is we expect too much. I think current expectations would have been considered quite extravagant "back in the day".
I agree with everything you said :)
It can still be done today, but you leave the stuff at the door so to speak and make sacrifices
Please read the comment I just made to covfefe.
It's not about differences in our expectations that's causing people to be unable to raise families on single incomes.