Got to make it seem after billions in research and decades in the making, they FINALLY found the cure to cancer.
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I believe its human normie nature to fixate on the present. People will be far more interested in learning how to get these cures vs. investigating if these sudden "eureka" moments were sincere.
There is a theory that if Free Energy was released, while we were still under the illusion/control of Clown World, it would ultimately enslave us.
That's true, I believe that's a mistake that's easy (for me at least) to make, thinking in terms that normies are near constantly in a state of analysis, inspection, or introspection. So, for my point to have merit, it would have to be framed in such a way that it is shown that these cures existed, were known, and were knowingly withheld. Ex: a Pfizer page saying that they know that ivermectin would cure x, y, z, and that it is important to have this blocked for their agenda.
I'm not sure about your second point, mainly because when Tesla was presenting his free energy (which he apparently had a method of metering for billing) that it would represent a financial threat to their control. I will ponder this question whether free energy would be liberating or facilitate people's enslavement.