Got to make it seem after billions in research and decades in the making, they FINALLY found the cure to cancer.
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Have you also noticed that those high up never seem to get it? The paid puppets called celebrities sometimes, sure...but not the ones that actually have power
Cancer is a topic that pisses me off because it took my grandmother back in like 04 and it was highly due to negligence of those that were supposed to be taking care of her at those facilities. (She had an accident and dislocated her shoulder so they claimed she was too physically weak for PT or further treatment. Essentially left her to hospis in the nursing home to die.)
It actually woulda been her birthday today...RIP Grandma.
Oh, and last year (maybe the one before. Time makes no sense anymore) my mom (grandmother on the same side of family) ended up with part of her lung removed due to cancer
People that still don't believe they'd purposely hurt us with the Vax just can't see they've been poisoning us in multiple ways for a long time