I didnt watch the Heard- Depp trial because frankly, could not care any less about either of them, but wondering if this is a real photo: did they both have these ties on? If so, may need to pay closer attention to if anyone else has worn anything with bee symbol on it.
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I noticed.
It's not always a hive mind mentality.
Bees are Paparazzi.
They're the ones who keep Hollywood Celebs in check and on their toes. Making sure they don't say something about the Cabal or go too off the rails with sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Them wearing bees could simply mean they are telling one another that they spoke to Paparazzi.
Tie colors, patterns, hand gestures, glasses, hair styles, fashion apparel...
All this is a part of the Hollywood messaging system, so they can communicate with journalists, paparazzi, and one another while the normies just hear radio static.
It's a Freemason symbol:
As Albert Mackey wrote in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, following the regulated labor of bees in the hive naturally deems it an appropriate emblem of systematized industry. When reflecting on our ancestors in the operative lodges, the old meaning of Industry described how the guilds’ work was completed without modern heavy machinery. In this antiquated system of Industry, individual stonemasons were assigned specific tasks based on their skill level, whether it was carrying a stone or building tools or sculpting a proper piece for the structure. Every man from the apprentice to the master was essential for completing the job just as every bee contributes to the success of the hive.
Ah, so they both admit publically that they are FM. At this point, which hACTOR isn't?
It would seem that you can't be one without being the other.
So, how does one QUIT being a FM? Are you able to do so at any level? And, how does this impact actors who say, belong to SAG/SAG-AFRA? What about professionals in AEA?
Here's some info on how the Masons view bees.
The Beehive. Both the Bee and the Beehive have been used symbolically from a very old time. In some cases, for what reason it is now hard to guess, the Bee was made the emblem of heaven, as may be seen in certain old Hindoo pictures of the god Krishna wherein Bees hover over the deity's head, and also in similar early pictures of Jesus. Both the Persians and the Egyptians sometimes embalmed their dead in honey because they believed it to possess antiseptic properties; out of this custom, we may believe, arose the latter habit of using the Bee as a symbol of immortality. Alexander the Great, so it is said, was embalmed in this manner; and so, also, were certain of the Merovingian kings. The last fact may explain why the Bee has so often been used symbolically by the French, and why Napoleon, to lend the lustre of age to his upstart dynasty, adopted the insect as his royal emblem. The Bee was used as a symbol of immortality by the Mithraic cult, so popular in the time of the Cæsars, and also by the early Christians, as the catacomb pictures still witness.
The Bee was also used in another order of symbolism. Theocritus tells a charming tale in his Idylls of how Cupid complained to Venus of bee stings and how the goddess archly replied: "Thou too art like a bee, for although a tiny child, yet how terrible are the wounds thou dost inflict!" Anacreon includes the same conceit in his Odes as do other Greek poets, as well as a few of their more modern imitators, such as Manuel de Villegas, the Castilian; Felice Zappi, and even the German, Lessing. Sometimes one will see bees flying about the head of Cupid on old Greek pottery; this is to suggest that as bees steal honey from the rose so does love steal honey from the lips of maidens; and as the stings of the bee are very painful so are the sharp darts of love.
Bees were not domesticated in Europe until the age of the monasteries, when the monks considered a hive an essential part of the equipment, owing to which custom the Beehive came to be used frequently in Christian symbolism. In their exhortations to the monks the church fathers would point to the hive as an example of industry. In the old Ely cathedral of England a woman weeping over a broken beehive evidently represents a home when ravaged by indolence or drunkenness.
The Egyptians called the bees "an obedient people" because of their faithfulness to the rules of the hive and to order. They are a far-sighted people, always preparing for the future, and their industriousness has become proverbial. Alas! as many Masters have learned, in the lodge as in the hive, there are often many drones! The brother who could discover a remedy for the drone evil would lay the whole Fraternity under everlasting indebtedness to his genius. The bees, as we know, kill their drones with scant ceremony; that would be a swift, but unhappy manner of disposing of ours! How to destroy the dronishness without killing the drone, that, as Hamlet would say, is the problem!
I can't take credit. It's an excerpt from the link I posted.
If you want more, here's your fill of Masonic symbolism:
Agree. Very interesting info, u/sleepydude.
Puts Ali's "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" into a whole different perspective.
This too:
Her "dog stepped on a bee." So what did that mean?
I watched a lot of it. I was married to a man very much like Amber. And he made false allegations about me, just like Amber did to Depp.
Vast numbers of male and female domestic abuse survivors watched this.
For us, the Hollywood aspect was not important.
It was about someone finally getting justice after a mentally-ill spouse continued to abuse after the marriage was over -- this time, using defamation.
It took Depp six years and countless millions to clear his name.
But there's another aspect of it.
It marked the end of the legacy media. EVERYONE (sensible) was on Depp's side.
But the media wants to be able to push a narrative -- that men are bad, women are victims, men are abusers.
They lost. They lost big.
They're still trying but everyone is laughing at them.
People haven't paid enough attention to that -- death of the dinosaur media.