North Carolina City Cancels Drag Queen Story Hour, An Event That Has ‘A Big Impact On Kids’
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“This was THE Pride event I was planning to attend with my toddler,” one woman posted, saying she was “very disappointed.”
Right there is one of the main problems with this kind of stuff.... parents who are willingly subjecting their toddlers and children to the mental illness. Any parent dragging their children to these events should be looked at very carefully for other signs of child abuse and child neglect.
Good. Glad the tranny won’t get to miss dilation hour. He may have forgotten to cope and seethe.
These sickos are going to get themselves killed by hosting these events for children. I am not crazy but I know there are crazy patriot parents out there that might show up and do something.
I think it in APEX, NC...brave mayor and a tits up job if I do say so!!
The whole drag thing is disgusting and is prejudice against women, who are being somehow represented to the world by these freaks. Think about something like a minstrel show, where white people appeared in blackface to represent blacks. Would that be championed right now? Of course not!! Drag is caricaturing women and trying to show that this is what we are like. It's rather offensive, but I don't really care what they do. However, I do care that children might think what the dragsters are showing is reality. It's not. It is a warped fantasy of what women are by men who are mentally disordered. So, cancelling this odious project is a great thing!! Nobody needs this crap. Especially children.
I have been to some drag shows and found them very witty and entertaining. I've worked with someone who performed as a drag queen in his spare time and he was a lovely person, quite normal and hard-working in his day job. I have no problem with drag as adult entertainment in night clubs attended by people who seek out and enjoy it.
But this is adult entertainment, focused on exaggerating the sexual characteristics of women. It is not mainstream, family-friendly entertainment. It's absolutely inappropriate for children to be subjected to it and criminal for them to be made or encouraged to perform in drag for the entertainment of adults.