Way back when this all happened, and Arizona was the only glimmer of legitimate hope we had that "anything was even being done" (funny how that's circling back now), I and a few other pedes suggested we needed to "Do This" to all states, especially Texas and Florida.
Call me an optimist, or a hopium addict, but I get this sneaking suspicion DeSantis has been locked and loaded and ready to ramp this thing up to the next level since Day One.
Way back when this all happened, and Arizona was the only glimmer of legitimate hope we had that "anything was even being done" (funny how that's circling back now), I and a few other pedes suggested we needed to "Do This" to all states, especially Texas and Florida.
Call me an optimist, or a hopium addict, but I get this sneaking suspicion DeSantis has been locked and loaded and ready to ramp this thing up to the next level since Day One.