After the way HBO screwed up GOT I have no intention of watching. Once they ran out of George RR Martin’s source material the entire feel of the show changed.
Ultimately though, I have to blame Martin’s lazy ass for not being able to finish his own story. I honestly believe he has no clue how to un-sort all his story lines and wrap it into anything resembling a satisfying conclusion.
Yes, I don't expect him to finish the books, dudes a shuffling heart attack waiting to happen.
I read the books after watching the first season, and it was the season after the books that I saw things going down hill, there were growing inconsistencies in the character development and I stopped watching. When I saw people talking about the last season, I was happy I stopped. When they didn't have to rely on their own creativity, they just shat the bed, gave up on character development and relegating them to plot devices to get to the scenes they though would be "cool".
After the way HBO screwed up GOT I have no intention of watching. Once they ran out of George RR Martin’s source material the entire feel of the show changed.
Ultimately though, I have to blame Martin’s lazy ass for not being able to finish his own story. I honestly believe he has no clue how to un-sort all his story lines and wrap it into anything resembling a satisfying conclusion.
Yes, I don't expect him to finish the books, dudes a shuffling heart attack waiting to happen.
I read the books after watching the first season, and it was the season after the books that I saw things going down hill, there were growing inconsistencies in the character development and I stopped watching. When I saw people talking about the last season, I was happy I stopped. When they didn't have to rely on their own creativity, they just shat the bed, gave up on character development and relegating them to plot devices to get to the scenes they though would be "cool".
While they ran out of book material, you are aware George Martin gave them that ending? They just didn’t make up their own
The ending was fine. The way they reached the ending was absolutely horrible
Hard pass. Everything woke turns to shit.
“Game of Shit”
They look like something off a B-rate version of Star Trek.
The trans princess who uses they/them pronouns, described as extremely beautiful in the books.,0,630,1200_AL.jpg
I've noticed it's become politically incorrect to cast beautiful actresses.
I'm glad I am a grown man that doesn't play any of that childish shit.
See the most recent Star War Shillogy for details.
so confused. is it a woman who has transitioned to male now playing a woman?