I believe they will overturn it. Really, in a way, this is good for the leftists because now places like CA and NY can have unrestricted abortion up to the moment of birth which right now is mostly not allowed. NY city allows abortion up to birth, but I'm not sure of the rest of NY. I do not agree with this, obviously, I'm very, very pro-life, but really now the leftists will get what they want, unrestricted access to abortion at any time period.
I highly doubt they are going to overturn it. Would be great if they did, but I've learned anything in the past 5 years it's not to get your hopes up.
I believe they will overturn it. Really, in a way, this is good for the leftists because now places like CA and NY can have unrestricted abortion up to the moment of birth which right now is mostly not allowed. NY city allows abortion up to birth, but I'm not sure of the rest of NY. I do not agree with this, obviously, I'm very, very pro-life, but really now the leftists will get what they want, unrestricted access to abortion at any time period.