I remember many here speculated that it was part of the Patriots plan to give Afghanistan back to the Taliban. Of course that would be pretty cool suicide if it happened under President Trump, so instead they orchestrated the most chaotic disaster looking scene to occur under Biden. Could there be any useful purpose for the hyperinflation, such as Bringing Down the central bank? It seems rathet petty if the purpose is just to make Biden and the Democrats look bad. Your thoughts?
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The Federal Reserve (established 1913) has been creating money out of thin air since its inception, which is why a $20 bill no longer is no longer the same as a $20 one-ounce gold coin, as it was for most of this nation's history.
(Note: $20 coins contained slightly less than an ounce; the difference went to pay the mint for striking the coinage. Actual dollar value was $20.67 per ounce. This detail is generally ignored and will be ignored here from this point on).
What will your $20 bill buy today? Damn little. Far less than what $1 bought in your grandfather's day. In the 1950s, even, Cokes and candy bars cost 5 cents (ask me how I know). The Mustang had a list price of $2368 at its introduction on April 15, 1964. Housing, automobiles, gasoline, food -- you name it, a dollar used to buy a whole lot of it, compared to today.
The newly-created dollars constantly generated by the FED allowed the government to vastly expand both here and abroad; those dollars paid for war after war, hugely enriching defense contractors and many others, etc. etc.
Each new dollar erodes the value of every dollar you have. In real life there are many factors that prevent this from being a linear change, but at this point in time the dollars you have are worth less than a PENNY each in America's previous gold-backed dollars (in many situations; not all -- it depends on what you're buying). If you ever wondered by counterfeiting is illegal, this is why: double the money supply with fake money and prices go up because new food and manufactured goods and services don't magically double just because the number of dollars increases. The FED is an epic counterfeiter.
Many trillions of dollars of wealth have been sucked out of the purses, pockets, and bank accounts of hard-working Americans by this arrangement. Much of it has been used to pay for war.
When the dollars become worthless, people stop using them. Check out the hyperinflation in Germany in the 1920s, or the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe earlier in this century -- or any of the many hyperinflations in history.
The dollar will have to be replaced with something, and if the Great Reset clowns, or the Deep State, or any of the corrupt people and groups who want to control America and / or the Earth get their way, it'll be another fiat currency (probably also called the dollar but maybe not) -- possibly digital -- that will let those crazed by Power continue stealing from everyone else.
If the White Hats are actually in control (I'm having one of those days), the FED will be removed and our currency will be backed by gold or possibly a mix of metals. Inflation, as we have known it, will be gone for good -- or until we get swindled into setting up another Central Bank that can create money out of thin air.