I'd be interested to know frens views on Assange.
For me, there are primarily two possible explanations for what has been going on with Assange.
One, the corrupt system has him in it's control, and is screwing around with him, short of outright suiciding him, is making things so difficult and arduous that he will eventually be removed.
Two, Assange is being watched over and is under the protection (control) of the White Hats, and is being held in the UK until the right moment when he will be released (extradited) to the US, where he will then be able to be 'tried', and can testify and spill the beans on Seth Rich and all the other shenanigans the Swamp has been doing that Assange knows directly about.
If this second scenario is true, then it means the authorities in the UK that have been refusing to allow extradition are White Hat controlled, as well.
Another third possibility is that there is a tug of war and a battle going on between the Cabal/Swamp and the White Hats over Assange, the kind of behind the scenes war that we can easily understand has constantly been taking place everywhere else while the Q and the White Hats have the upper hand and are herding the Swamp into checkmate.
At the least, if we are to believe Q at face value, they indicate that they have Assange within their area of control.
Ostensibly in regards to wikileaks: "You may have the site but we have the source."
Desperate agencies do stupid things.
Dead cat bounce.
You may have the site but we have the source.
Panic is good.
Panic is right.
July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.
Again, in conjunction with Assange and wikileaks: "Do you believe in coincidences? We have the source."
These people are stupid!
"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."
Do you believe in coincidences?
We have the source.
I find the second or third of these scenarios to be the more plausible, although my mind boggles at how this might be being managed.
Either way, the issue is timely now, because of a looming deadline.
According to this BBC article "Julian Assange: Does Wikileaks founder have a powerful ally in new Australian PM?" Date: June 11, 2022, the deadline looms for the UK Home Secretary (Similar to the US Secretary of State?) to act.
After a long legal battle in the UK, the courts in April referred the US extradition request to the Home Secretary for her final decision. Priti Patel has until 19 June - exactly 10 years since Mr Assange was last free - to make it.
Looking at the timing, with the convergence of Durham, Election Transparency (i.e. Mules), and other elements, this June 19 deadline seem noteworthy.
However, if Assange is released from the UK and NOT extradited, will he stay in the UK, or what? Also, if he is NOT brought back to the US for trial, then how could he be utilized to provide testimony re: Truth regarding the Swamp and DNC, Rich, etc? Can he enter the US freely if the charges are not dropped, or he is not pardoned by POTUS, for example? Being invited to testify before Congress, for example, would require that he was NOT facing charges, wouldn't it?
So, if the UK Home Secretary decides against the extradition, could Assange stay in the UK at his leisure, until things turnover in the US, and the charges are dropped or he is pardoned? Would he be able to go to Australia, for example, without once again facing the extradition request from the US?
What is truly noteworthy is that Assange now has such a high profile international status, particularly with the more left-leaning masses, who are always open to emotional exploitation by the Cabal, that he has the potential to be an incredible 'mainstream' red-pill dropper, bigger than Musk, for example.
Why? Because traditionally, the leftist leaning softies are the ones who have supported Assange the most. If (and when?) Assange comes out and exposes the real corruption, it would send massive shock waves through that whole sector of society:
"Wait? You mean Obama isn't the glorious virtue hope giver? You mean, the Left has been the core underpinning of the corruption? You mean, Donald Trump isn't the most evil person in the world? Etc"
Note: by "Left-leaning Softies", I do NOT mean the hard core ideological Marxists, Communists and Globalists, but rather those emotionally mislead, well-intentioned people who in ignorance have believed the lies and propaganda of the media and the ideological Agents, and so have supported the the Left's agenda, because they think this is being compassionate, or saving the planet, or such - most of my family fall into this category.
I haven't done a lot of digging on Assange, but it certainly seem that the Assange situation is worthy of a prolonged and sustained attention from anons and frens in the Great Awakening. In other words, keep your eyes on this.
NB: Credit to u/Ehjax78 for first posting the BBC article.
Correction: Sean Rich > Seth Rich. (No disrespect intended.)
But you are only thinking in terms of the USA. I'm referring more to the international context.
As I mentioned, Assange has a massively high international profile. He is very well known OUTSIDE the US, where people neither know nor care that "he helped Trump win in 2016".
Normie lefties outside the US probably know very, very little about the Hillary emails, the DNC, Seth Rich or the Wikileaks content released in 2016. Only those closely watching the US election would have paid any attention to that.
They only know that he took on the US government and exposed them, and has been persecuted by that terrible evil entity since then. (For normies, particularly on the left, the US and the US govt = the corrupt evil capitalists.)
I'd say there are plenty of normies on both the left and the right that are easing their way towards being awakened.
That's right. Internationally, Assange has the most profile and power and influence. I don't think he's meant to do his work in the US alone. I expect if he is sent here he will be coordinating with others for a local project, but I expect him to maintain his presence on the international stage rather than come to america.
It looks most probable to me that he is working with white hats inside the UK. If they send him out by the 17th it probably says more about Boris Johnson's precarious position than anything about Assange himself. He'll need a a soft place to land, and white hats here will have one prepared for him.
Very good point fren! I stand corrected