Used to agree, then I started talking to someone just like him and not only did the guy tone it down but he showed me the truth about some things I might not have found out about on my own.
I say give him a chance, use the block button if you need to because that's what it's there for, and stop letting your kids on the intardweeb. It's just like taking guns away from people because kids might touch them.
Don't fucking take him seriously then! That's not a legitimate reason to cancel his ass... otherwise we are no better than the scum we are fighting against.
Too much swearing, immediate turn off. Can't take people seriously who talk like that.
So fucking true, we can’t fucking have these shit mouthed fuckers cussing fucking constantly on this damn board.
Some cunts just don't get it.
Used to agree, then I started talking to someone just like him and not only did the guy tone it down but he showed me the truth about some things I might not have found out about on my own.
I say give him a chance, use the block button if you need to because that's what it's there for, and stop letting your kids on the intardweeb. It's just like taking guns away from people because kids might touch them.
Don't fucking take him seriously then! That's not a legitimate reason to cancel his ass... otherwise we are no better than the scum we are fighting against.
So don't, but assholes have free speech same as the rest.
Probably a shill that cries about Trump's tweets or "ridiculous bullshit" 😅