Big pharma lied about "safe and effective". Trump and everyone believed the lie. I mean you'd need to be stupid to have believed it. I think thats his only way out.
It's going to be part of his comeback tour, he's going to play the OMG THEY LIED TO US, THEY ARE THE ENEMY, LET'S GET 'EM! I do not agree with this tactic but at this point I don't see any other angle he can take.
He's either complicit or "stupid like the rest of us." I think the white hats are betting on us anon types understanding why it had to be done and normies buying his ignorance which will allow most to sympathize with him. Then he'll spearhead releasing all the withheld medical cures including cancer cures.
Now here is an interesting question. If we are really living through the book of Revelation (which I firmly believe, especially at this point) what is the mark of the beast? I used to think it was the vax itself but I've stepped away from that recently. I can only assume it's the vax passports, specifically the implanted chip ones, but that doesn't seem like it's prevalent enough to be that much of a test as it's made to be in the bible.
The vax, on the other hand, is too prevalent to have been "the mark" and it came out before .gov was mandating it. I'm not sure what to think on this topic now.
Big pharma lied about "safe and effective". Trump and everyone believed the lie. I mean you'd need to be stupid to have believed it. I think thats his only way out.
Everyone believed it? Nobody here believed it.
It's going to be part of his comeback tour, he's going to play the OMG THEY LIED TO US, THEY ARE THE ENEMY, LET'S GET 'EM! I do not agree with this tactic but at this point I don't see any other angle he can take.
He's either complicit or "stupid like the rest of us." I think the white hats are betting on us anon types understanding why it had to be done and normies buying his ignorance which will allow most to sympathize with him. Then he'll spearhead releasing all the withheld medical cures including cancer cures.
Now here is an interesting question. If we are really living through the book of Revelation (which I firmly believe, especially at this point) what is the mark of the beast? I used to think it was the vax itself but I've stepped away from that recently. I can only assume it's the vax passports, specifically the implanted chip ones, but that doesn't seem like it's prevalent enough to be that much of a test as it's made to be in the bible.
The vax, on the other hand, is too prevalent to have been "the mark" and it came out before .gov was mandating it. I'm not sure what to think on this topic now.