When you look at the situation and remove emotions from it, you can deduce that there is no net benefit to society since it became normalized.
The population is less than 2% but disease is rampant and getting worse. Pedophilia is rampant and getting worse. Domestic abuse is highest in LGBTQ community and getting worse. Suicide and suicidal thoughts are at all the time and getting worse.
This is all after massive amounts of freedoms and arguably power has been given to that community. Yet, still, it just gets worse and worse.
This latest monkey pox issue is almost entirely in homosexuals and those who hang out with homosexuals or areas with high rates of homosexuals.
One can argue the morally it is not wrong to be gay, however, reality is exposing the risks and inherent dangers of acting upon it. Of course, you can also argue that any of these diseases can be spread through the general pop but then you'd have to take into account the fact that the general population is 98x+ larger yet doesn't face the same issues.
The LGBTQ community is nothing but a Cabal's bully group. In reality.
Most LGBTQ people aren't looking to spread the gay agenda.
They are being used by the Cabal to destory God and religion.
Most of the LGBTQ activist are paid shills.
How many of these so called miniority/LGBTQ movements are actually organically grown?
I didn't write about the movement. I wrote about the disease and abuse that is rampant.
Even if the DS wasn't around the naturally born diseases coming from that community would still be around.
There is a reason why the DS pushes it. It ain't cause it's clean.
I agree with that.
I am just saying most Gay people just want to be left alone like the rest of us.
The Cabal uses gay people to push more division and anger between people.
Do they? Pride is a massive movement around the world. The parades bring in hoards of them from all over.
This idea that they wanna be left alone I think is false. When human beings get power the last thing they wanna be is left alone and no group has more power int the west right now.
You ever worked for a large private corp? You won't find a louder, more power hungry group. Even the Karen's shut their mouth around them.
Not sure what your experience in sales and marketing.
What the Cabal has done is use their money to over market and sell the LGBTQ movement to the masses.
This is why the Cabal wants the popular vote. They know their money can buy the perception of popularity via advertising.
Most of the people who show up the pride parade are there to party. Most aren't even gay.
The Cabal can use their money to buy a perception of reality.
You know I am a black guy. They do the same thing to black people with groups like BLM.
Those aren't organic movements that grew on their own. It's Cabal money that markets these movements.
And you are correct. It's the Cabal who wants power.
Not the standard Gay people that works their 9 to 5.
You just answered your own statement.
This idea that they wanna be left alone I think is false.
You won't find a louder, more power hungry group
Try being a right wing or borderline fascist in such a tOLeRanT aNd dIvErSe cOmMunItY.
Anyway ...the normalfags are the ones you don't see, whereas the screeching immature cultural marxists REEE for insaitable power and attention
Yep, they want to molest straight people, it is a priority for many of those evil fruitloops.
Yep, Most of them hide their shame of being groomed as children. Convictions and executions for groomers is a good way to get the molested to ask for help before they turn into a groomer.
The positive thing about this.
The children issue is going to bring people together.
For a " minority " they sure get a lot of exposure, like the fake Jews. Weird.
I think the DS has latched onto the alphabet culture and deliberately twisted it through grooming and MKUltra etc in order to keep the divisiveness and hate flowing. Just like they have done with the black community. I know and have known many decent gay folks. This all makes me very sad.
That is irrelevant to my post. I wrote about the diseases, abuse and mental health issues that is rampant in the demographic.
The DS spreads it because it's inherently dirty. You're friend or friends can be decent people but it doesn't mean their lifestyle is clean nor does it mean their lifestyle is good for society once the Pandoras box is opened.
Excuse me sir I believe you may be new here to internet land ... that's okay! Here is something to keep in mind:
Commenters decide what is relevant. Not OP.
When you create a post, you are opening yourself up to the comments and opinions of ANYONE and ANYONE may think of the topic from an entirely different framework from yourself.
This is the basis of forums. Which is why we're here.
You may have damaged your brain at some point in your life....that's okay! And you're right, it is a forum, which means by your own logic I can respond my opinion to ANYONE and ANYONE whether or not their response was relevant to my post.
This is the basis of forums. Which is why we're here.
lol I got you to type all my words again I feel POWERFUL
could be the brain damage ...
I did knock into your ego pretty hard there apparently ... sorry bud
I just used your retarded logic to explain to you why you're retarded. It's not that difficult considering you're retarded.
Don't let them babysit the kids for God's sake.