Exactly. Like, just because you invite someone into your home for dinner, you don't have the right to kill them because you decided they ate too much, or whatever. Unless that person attacks you, you have no business killing them. If you didn't want them in your home, you shouldn't have invited them in the first place.
That does not equate...you say ..you invite....lots of people do not invite a child in when they have sex. Please don't talk about precautions..they often are unsuccessful. Even vasectomies are known to fail.
Grow a brain. Having sex does not equate with pregnancy every time, and if you're so stupid you don't understand that there are methods of preventing pregnancy, then all we can hope is that you never reproduce.
The whole crux of that argument is that it's not their body, it's somebody else's body.
The person saying my house my rules has the right to say what goes in her house..not the right to tell anyone else what goes in their house .
Why don't people learn about boundaries?
Exactly. Like, just because you invite someone into your home for dinner, you don't have the right to kill them because you decided they ate too much, or whatever. Unless that person attacks you, you have no business killing them. If you didn't want them in your home, you shouldn't have invited them in the first place.
That does not equate...you say ..you invite....lots of people do not invite a child in when they have sex. Please don't talk about precautions..they often are unsuccessful. Even vasectomies are known to fail.
It is a parasitic and trespassing body.
Bullshit. It was invited.
No, it was created.
No it wasn't. No one in their right mind wants a child every time they have sex!! Grow up for heaven's sake.
But they know the risk and do it anyways. Abortion is murder.
Grow a brain. Having sex does not equate with pregnancy every time, and if you're so stupid you don't understand that there are methods of preventing pregnancy, then all we can hope is that you never reproduce.