In its symbolism chess is the most significant of all games. It has been called "the royal game"--the pastime of kings. Like the Tarot cards, the chessmen represent the elements of life and philosophy. The game was played in India and China long before its introduction into Europe. East Indian princes were wont to sit on the balconies of their palaces and play chess with living men standing upon a checkerboard pavement of black and white marble in the courtyard below. It is popularly believed that the Egyptian Pharaohs played chess, but an examination of their sculpture and illuminations has led to the conclusion that the Egyptian game was a form of draughts. In China, chessmen are often carved to represent warring dynasties, as the Manchu and the Ming.
The chessboard consists of 64 squares alternately black and white and symbolizes the floor of the House of the Mysteries. Upon this field of existence or thought move a number of strangely carved figures, each according to fixed law. The white king is Ormuzd; the black king, Ahriman; and upon the plains of Cosmos the great war between Light and Darkness is fought through all the ages. Of the philosophical constitution of man, the kings represent the spirit; the queens the mind; the bishops the emotions; the knights the vitality; the castles, or rooks, the physical body. The pieces upon the kings' side are positive; those upon the queens' side, negative. The pawns are the sensory impulses and perceptive faculties--the eight parts of the soul. The white king and his suite symbolize the Self and its vehicles; the black king and his retinue, the not-self--the false Ego and its legion. The game of chess thus sets forth the eternal struggle of each part of man's compound nature against the shadow of itself. The nature of each of the chessmen is revealed by the way in which it moves; geometry is the key to their interpretation. For example: The castle (the body) moves on the square; the bishop (the emotions) moves on the slant; the king, being the spirit, cannot be captured, but loses the battle when so surrounded that it cannot escape.
Agreed. Lucifer's original plan was to have Humanity, whose Nature and Authority can alter Reality, worship him as God and then reap their souls as the Prince of the Air.
Jesus' Passion put an Exit Clause in every Demonic Contract which nullified the hold on their soul if the person was truly Repentant and sought Absolution from God.
With that loss making it impossible to avoid punishment by swaying humanity to worship him, thus replacing God and making Lucifer himself the administrator of his own punishment, he had to resort to plan B.
Plan B is stopping the Cycles. Not stopping time, as that's a lateral move and only a delay. No, stopping the Cycles is effectively like the movie Groundhog Day.
At a point, Bill Murray posits that he is a God because the repetition of the same day permitted him to know everything that happens in the town, down to the most minute detail. He could predict the future, and sway things towards his ends, so long as he never grow as an individual and break the spell.
Angels and Demons can't grow as individuals because they lack a mortal framework bound to the Nature of Experience.
Thus, Lucifer's final plan is to stop the Cycles and position one as a Bill Murray as his Anti-Christ, who will guarantee that no Spiritual Growth due to Experience ever come to Pass while also entangling the bastard's soul to the Cycles, therefore stopping the Universe in a repeat of the same "Day" over and over and over again, forever prohibiting Judgement Day from every occurring. Best I can calculate, that period of time which would repeat would be about 60-70 years.
It won't be exactly like Groundhog Day, mind you. Event markers would occur in set intervals, but the events themselves would change. Think of it like having a 9/11 event every 70 years. The same two towers don't always fall, but some big event upheaves the status quo and enshrines power into the hands of the governing body, which if Lucifer plays his cards right would be set in stone as his most loyal human drones.
That's the sum of their plan, as far as I can decipher. It's not the only plan, but it's the NWO plan. A culling of human life is required so that everyone can be monitored and can not undergo a Spiritual Transformation which would jeopardize the 'financial' Hold on the Cycles of the Universal Frequency.
My current source is this Diagram and the supporting text:
It's like rerouting a car engine to stall, except the car is the Universe, and the engine is our Solar System.
Well conceived. I will think on it. We're entering the Age of Aquarius, we have a planetary alignment that has not occured for many years now which may be having some sort of effect on us, the sun is having a nap, causing a Grand Solar Minimum that is certainly going to set us back and cause global famine/crop failure, revolution, etc. Like the Maunder Minimum did (helping to cause the USA to be born). If you believe in the "Micronova", we only have another 30 years or so before the next one, which indeed will cause the planet to "reset".
Wheels within wheels.
Second verse, same as the first. And also same as the 57th.
It could be that the Earth is repeating and has been repeating for eons. Every 12,000 years, whack! (micronova). Then start again.
But yes I see many parallels in what we're experiencing right now with what people experienced in the 1910s, but also the '30s and '70s. The No Agenda Show has in the past few months made it a recurring joke that we are re-living the '70s.
P.S. I wrote "Satan" not Lucifer, but your point is well-taken that the Prince of this planet is not Satan. It is Lucifer. We live in "Hell" (Dante), because this planet is Lucifer's realm, it seems to me. I also think that Lucifer and Jesus may be Yin and Yang. Two sides of the same coin. Remember what Satan showed Jesus, in the Desert. All the riches of this Earth. Jesus said no. Lucifer said yes.
That is the next step in the Cycles. They seek to prevent it from entering the Age of Aquarius, and persist repeating the prior age for all eternity. It's like convincing the DJ at a night club to play the same song over and over and over and over and over and over again. Consider it as maddening as an infinite "Dancing Queen" loop for the rest of all time. The song's not bad, but it being played for all eternity is not everyone's cup of tea.
"Satan" is the Corporation.
Lucifer, Baal/Beelzebub, and Astaroth are the CEO's.
Lucifer is the Director, Baal/Beezlebub is the Manager, and Astaroth is the Accountant.
Moloch, Samael, Baphomet, etc. are their personal assistants.
I'm not unfounded with this line of thinking. Shockingly, even Wikipedia acknowledges the joint ventures of the Middle-Order Demons:
That gives undue power to Lucifer, and is not a fair assessment. It's like saying a brick is the opposite of the wooden board. They are two components one can build a house with, and a comparison is unfair. It's ideal that the two work together, but as it stands Lucifer abdicated his heavenly Throne by his refusal to announce the Coming of Man. By rejecting his role as the Stage Director for the Universe, he forced God's hand to remove him from the Heavenly Mansion.
If you want a proper role alignment, Lucifer was the head butler and Jesus was the Master's son. Adam was the first-born, but he squandered his inheritance while Jesus preserved it. Lucifer got pissed that Jesus cracked open the good wine without telling him and had a pissy-fit where he and a third of the help staff were fired for conspiring to kill Jesus for what they saw as squandering the Master's most valuable possessions by giving it to the party guests.
Lucifer was the head Butler, Baal/Beezlebub was the head Chef, and Astaroth was the head Librarian. All got self-righteous and proud, saying the Master's Son had no right to the Master's possessions without them being told first, so they hired some Jews and Romans to kill him.
Well articulated.
I see also perhaps a parallel between Jesus/Lucifer, and Zeus/Prometheus. Prometheus was of the "old gods"... a Titan. Just as Lucifer is not like Jesus, but is of the Old Guard (Angels, Archons, etc.).
Prometheus and Zeus, together, created mankind, etc. But Prometheus did not accept Zeus' limitations on what could be done, and so he gave mankind "fire" which could be taken literally or equally could be viewed as "knowledge". And was therefore punished for eternity.
EDIT: This version of Jesus above is more akin to the "Demiurge" sort of Jesus of the Gnostics. The Jesus that is the Logos. With Lucifer perhaps being the Chaos.
Zeus represents Focused Energy. Electricity.
Prometheus represents Wanton Energy. Fire.
Who were Zeus' parents? Cronus, Time. Rhea, the Flow(Temperance). Rhea's parents were Gaia and Uranus, Earth and Sky.
The Greek gods were mere representations of natural phenomena interacting. Tales of their interactions were recipes for replicating natural functions.
For example:
When Cronus and Rhea birthed Poseidon and Zeus, what did they create?
Zeus is god of the thunderbolt, eagle, bull and oak. He is associated with wisdom and awareness.
Poseidon is god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses.
Zeus - Voltage.
Thunder, eagle, bull, and oak. What's the connection there? Power.
Poseidon - Current.
Seas have waves, earthquakes have waves, storms have waves... And then there's horses. What does that have to do with waves?
Who is Prometheus? Simply an Olympian turncoat? Maker of man? Bearer of Knowledge?
Prometheus is the bearer of Creativity.
Creation from FIRE.
Passion. A burning in your heart to pursue one's dreams.
Prometheus didn't simply give man fire. He gave man dreams.
What force is this, with respect to voltage and current?
Putting pretense aside... Music.
When cavemen first discovered satisfaction from beating bones upon the rock with a steady tempo, they emulated the thunder they heard in the sky; the rasping of waves as they brushed reed against bark. And they began to dream.
The force is not just Music, but the Spirit of Music. The idea of finding beauty in modes of Nature -- in the Vibrations which surround us. Then, harnessing them and combining them in diverse proportions in a Divine Alchemy.
Lucifer is analogous to Prometheus, in a way, I'll admit. Lucifer tempted Man with the Fruit of Knowledge just as Prometheus gave man stolen Fire from the Olympians.
The distinction is that Lucifer sought to depose Man while Prometheus sought to elevate Man.